Friday, November 10, 2006

Do Not Hold Voters Cheap, Mr. bin Laden

Do Not Hold Voters Cheap, Mr. bin Laden

God told us to love our enemies, not to like them.

Some people really love to say the above notion.

Maybe Allah told us to love our enemies, not to like them.

Some people really hate to hear others say the above notion.
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Editorials of Japanese newspapers claim that the key factor that has decided the outcome of this midterm election in the United States is the gap between the rich and the poor.

But, most of Americans should feel something nice in that Al-Qaeda have not launched a massive attack on U.S. properties anywhere in the world these days, though U.S. soldiers are being exposed to danger of being shot by hidden snipers in streets of Iraq.

In the last Presidential election, Mr. Osama bin Laden himself appeared on a video and delivered a message to Americans; Consequently Mr. George W. Bush won.
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If Al-Qaeda had hijacked several passenger jets during this election period, the outcome should have been very different, as you can easily imagine.

However, it may be a little interesting to take note of the fact that North Korea blasted its first officially-so-announced nuclear bomb in this October.
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I don't know the whereabouts of Mr. bin Laden, though there is possibility that Allah really struck him in Kashmir with that great earthquake which claimed about 70,000 lives of Pakistani, according to His Own will no human beings may be allowed to make a protest against.

Nonetheless, a President of the United Sates has a legal obligation to track, pursue, and arrest him, which has not been fulfilled yet to my disappointment.

Any candidates for the next Presidential election should vow to track, pursue, and arrest Mr. bin Laden who claimed himself that he had planned terror attacks in 2001 that took scores of Japanese lives along with other nationalities in New York.

And anyone elected should fulfill the official vow for our sake.
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You cannot hold American voters cheap.

You cannot hold Japanese lives cheap.

I don't know how Allah is holding your life.