Saturday, December 09, 2006

Mr. Rumsfeld Leaving DOD

Mr. Rumsfeld Leaving DOD

The US Defense Secretary, Mr. Donald H. Rumsfeld, resigned. 

According to the New York Times, he said: "It’s been three decades since I left the Pentagon at the end of my first tour . . . Our country was then engaged in a long struggle — the Cold War, a conflict that seemed costly, and it was. It seemed unlimited in duration, and it was, and seemed unclear in its course and its outcome, which was the case . . ."

According to the Washington Post, he said: "I wish I could say that everything we've done here has gone perfectly, but that's not how life works, regrettably. When thousands of people make dozens of difficult decisions on hundreds of pressing issues, for the most part matters that are new and unfamiliar, where there's no road map, no guidebook . . . the hope has to be not perfection but that most decisions, with the perspective of time, will turn out to be the right ones. . . ."

First, I have to say that the more you are given, the more you are requested to do.

Mr. Rumsfeld was given a chance twice to lead the DOD, which is more than anyone else's assignment.

Secondly, the Cold War should have been under control so that the bottom line in the worst case was clearly defined.

And it should have been avoidance of all-out atomic warfare at any costs. The U.S. should have announced that there should be no all-out atomic warfare because the U.S. truly wanted to avoid it. Then, the direction is clear, the course is straight, and the challenges can be well defined which are to overwhelm the Soviet Union by any other constructive means their nukes could not compete with and the world would give overwhelming credit to.

Lastly, the Secretary of Defense should not gamble lives of the people and assets of the nation on a war which cannot be fully defined as a holy one.

After the Cold War, had belief and faith of American people been further sublimed as should be specially noted in history?
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The issue is that while America was being engaged in economic warfare against Japan mostly in early 1990's, the DOD could not foresee its imminent role as a force to secure safe, harmonized, and democratic global markets for new entrants.

While Japan had been helping China modernize itself through huge amounts of economic aids in 1980's and 1990's, the U.S. stopped its support to Iraq and got indifferent with development of democracy in the Middle East.

No one is now afraid of nukes China actually has; but so many got afraid of nukes Iraq and terrorist groups from Saudi Arabia did not have.
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Jesus Christ told not to accuse anybody.

In one of pictures posted by the Washington Post for Mr. Rumsfeld, he sat by Ms. Condoleezza Rice. Observing it, I wondered which will be the first to consult God for a need of apology.

They have been in the fourth and sixth position to act as the President in case, respectively.

And fortunately, Mr. Rumsfeld has not since the age of the Cold War.