Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Genealogical Tree Since 1776

A Genealogical Tree Since 1776

Mr. Takashi Hirose, a prominent author in Japan, published a book titled "Sekai Sekiyu Senso (World Oil Wars)" in 2002.

He pointed out that oil incurs wars and wars incur arms business. In this context, he especially mentioned Mr. Adnan Khashoggi.

According to other source, "his 'services' as a 'facilitator' have never ceased throughout US administrations since Nixon, and lately, he met with Richard Perle, shortly before the American invasion of Iraq, in 2003" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adnan_Khashoggi).

Mr. Hirose showed various genealogical trees in his book. The following scheme has been arranged based on public knowledge and an original genealogical tree in Mr. Hirose's book as of early 2002, in order to present a certain genealogy of public figures, which is mysteriously connected with Mr. Khashoggi:

"Till the beginning of the Age of Wars on Terror [2001], with
Mr. Adnan Khashoggi [1935-]
(a Saudi Arabian agent of the US military industry),
/an ex-husband of
Ms. Sandra (Soraya) Javis-Daly,
Mr. Winston Churchill
(a grandchild of Winston S. Churchill, British Prime Minister),
/a son of
Pamela Digby [1920-1997]
(a backer of Mr. Bill Clinton; also the wife of Averell Harriman [1891-1986] who was the US King of Railroads and also a backer of the Bushes),
/a daughter of
Constance Pamela Bruce
(the wife of Edward Kenelm Digby, a nephew of the wife of Alexander Hugh Baring of a prominent UK financial clique),
/a sister of
Eva Bruce,
/the wife of
Albert Primrose,
/a son of
Hannah Rothschild
(the wife of Archibald P. Primrose [1847-1929], British Prime Minister when Indo-Afghan borders were settled),
/a daughter of
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
(the wife of Lionel Rothschild [1808-1879], the financier to the UK Government for buying out the Suez Canal),
/a daughter of
Nathan Rothschild [1777-1836]
(the King of Finance in England),
from the Declaration of Independence of the U.S. [1776]."
* * *

Humbly accepting the historical fact, it is God who would let it sustain itself or not at His will.

(Rich Israelites alone cannot enjoy wealth and power in Europe and thus the U.S. It is German elites in the 18th century that trusted and backed a certain Israelite family who became and is still one of the richest one in Europe today. Anti-Semitism is regarded as an internal conflict among Christians, at least, in this context. In addition, Semitism and Ant-Semitism were, and have been, very remote thing in Japan both before and after WWII.)
* * *

And, though Mr. Hirose does not rely on the Internet to gather information (his sources are printed materials open to the world), the Internet should not be used in any harming manner against any individuals and religions. Otherwise, as the Internet is originally an infrastructure of the US Department of Defense, DOD should take the Internet off the world market.

(Can't DOD introduce new technical and procedural specifications to allow every router set at providers and exchanges to shut down a path to a worldly-admitted illegal site? Could anybody identify all the routers in the world public domain and their routing tables?)
* * *

Now, you would not be surprised if Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, and Jesus Christ are studied in one context, though not in a direct family tree.

(Everyman has at least one personal pedigree: God---oneself)