Thursday, March 08, 2007

400,000 Dollars for Spy; One Dollar for Follower

400,000 Dollars for Spy; One Dollar for Follower

A dialogue between a former officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and a former chief correspondent in Washington D.C. of NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) was published recently.

The former officer, a specialist in intelligence on Russia, told that every reasonable country stations elite intelligence officers in Tokyo.

Tokyo has been famous as a key city for international information gathering among people in this profession, one instance of which was a situation in Tokyo on and after September 11, 2001, according to them.

An elite spy should take on a residence in a prime location in Tokyo. It must have a space enough to have a party and invite VIPs. Such a residence will monthly cost US$10,000. The total costs for operating one elite spy in Tokyo would be 400,000 dollars per year, according to their dialogue.

(The President of NHK gets a salary of 300,000 dollars per year, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan gets a salary of 250,000 dollars per year.)
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For a very long time, there have been no lows in Japan to ban espionage conducted by foreign agents and arrest or expatriate them. Tokyo has been a paradise for spy rings.

But, it has been a very costly paradise.
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Jesus Christ was bothered by spies 2000 years ago.

I suppose that not only leaders of Israelites in power but also the Roman Governor in Judea might send spies around Jesus Christ.

In theory, espionage is not necessary for a holy mission.

If they use intelligence men, they are not engaged in a holy mission.
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How much will it cost to carry out a holy mission in Tokyo?

The Messiah would tell you to follow Him for free.

You do not have to bring your own assets from your home to Tokyo to participate in a holy mission.

And, just for your information, it usually costs a dollar or so for a one-stop ticket in Tokyo.

(Be a King or a Queen of the poor rather than the rich!)