Friday, June 01, 2007

The Reagans

"Jesus Christ Superstar" Jesus, Jesus, Superstar!

The Reagans

I saw again two cars with the same four-digit number, such as 2035, on their license plates passing each other this evening.

Something might be getting near. God is of course in every space between every consecutive moments in this flow of time to the unknown but, in my feeling, silver direction.
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Last night, NHK's report program spotlighted a social problem of handguns among people. In Japan, the law forbids possession of a gun with punishment of imprisonment with hard labor between one year and ten years.

This law applies to everyone in the territory of Japan. Ordinary citizens are never allowed to have a gun. Police officers are of course exceptions. They are carrying a gun with them, according to law.

The point in question is that nowadays not only gangsters and criminals but also the so-called ordinary citizens are getting contaminated with this crime of possessing a gun. Most of those illegally possessed guns are made in foreign countries. Import of handguns for sale is punished with imprisonment with hard labor for an unidentified prison term but longer than five years.
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A Fuji TV midnight news program reported on a use of a very-small capsule to be implanted under the skin of a specific type of patients in the U.S., in which his or her disease-related data is recorded. The data is read out by a special reader in a hospital where he or she goes for medical check or treatment.

The point in question is that this use of the under-skin capsule is intended for a patient who cannot describe his or her disease or identify himself or herself to a doctor due to the disease.

As is usual for this kind of sensitive issues, the pros and cons are batted back and forth in certain American communities.
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On the homepage of Washington Post, there was an advertisement of "Larry King Live" with Mrs. Nancy Reagan this morning in Japan time. She recently published a diary of her deceased husband, the late President Ronald Reagan.

President Reagan faced an assassination attempt using a handgun in 1981. It is said that a President elected in such a year as 1980 cannot fulfill his term like the cases of John F. Kennedy elected in 1960 and Abraham Lincoln elected in 1860.

However, due to special charm of Mrs. Nancy Reagan, the spell failed to work on President Ronald Reagan. Yet, Ronald Reagan after retirement suffered Alzheimer's disease which took out his memory on his life during his presidency. This spell is really die-hard.

But, President Ronald Reagan had kept a journal and First Lady Nancy Reagan has made it public finally, taking a final cut at the spell.

Mrs. Nancy Reagan looks very impressive to our eyes; she looks like a kind of typical ladies but it is difficult to see what type she represents among American ladies.
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If your neighbor becomes a victim of a handgun or a specific disease, what would you do?

Or if you become a victim of a handgun or a specific disease, what would you like your neighbors to do for you?

The spell of handguns and disease would chase you if you become rich and richer. This may be a very profound question.

At least, I am already praying that my neighbors will not suffer damages inflicted by a handgun or a disease. Of course, viewers of EEE-Reporter are my neighbors.

I hope that the God protects us all equally from gun bullets and diseases.

(Heaven is place without guns and disease. The hell is place full of guns and diseases. That is why I am recommending you to reconsider religious traditions of your ancestors. Anyway, I have been honestly studying what your ancestors were also trying to see through their faith. If I were you, I would trust in me.)