Thursday, June 07, 2007

Roadside Humble Shinto Shrine

(A Little Thought of Today:

"The God Is Almighty" is the first thing to teach children.

Hence, the God can be perfect and at the same time imperfect, or terribly He can be simply imperfect while being God, since He is almighty.

The meaning of omnipotence is very difficult for mankind to grasp.

At least, He can change any rules at His will; He can change a rule, given to mankind as concept and logic, on judging omnipotence as well as perfection, though He has not changed laws of the nature and universe since its formation 14 billion years ago.

The God can be a mere man at his will as He is almighty. He can be a flower or a bird, too, since He is Almighty. Otherwise, he would let his works or parts autonomously function as if they were independent and free.

The best meaning of evolution of mankind is related to progress of our understanding of His omnipotence.

Indeed, He commands the universe even at a level where part and all are equal, or existence and nonexistence are equal; and Death and life are equal. However, having love and having every other excuse for not having love are forever different, since God is love.

Therefore, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are possible at the same time on this earth, since God is almighty.
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A Little Story of Today:

This is a true story of an old woman in Russia. She was a kitchen worker all through her life under the communist regime. From her earlier years, she had been working in a kitchen in a factory in a local place in Russia. She had never been to Moscow. She had never been to other towns. When she got old and stopped working, she told that it had been her life to do the meal for workers in a factory in a local place. "It is what my life was all about," said the old woman.

She looked like one of those I think to have never contributed to deterioration of the world.

Usually, in proportion to material happiness, one is contributing to deterioration of the world.

The richer we become, usually the worse we are making the world.

We have to think how such a woman looks to the eye of God.

For her sake or for her virtue, I think, the God let the Cold War end peacefully without thermonuclear war.
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A Little Drill of Today:

Now, what do you think the God will do for your sake?

As God is almighty, He can make you as valuable as the Russian woman, a life time cook in a dreary factory in a bleak industrial area of the communist country, for whose sake however thermonuclear war could be avoided between the USSR and the U.S. from a theological point of view.)