...nice but...(... gentil mais...?)
Hatshepsut, Cleopatra, Princess Diana, and Who?
Could it be a revelation or an event of good omen?
" June 27, 2007—This mummy is the body of gender-bending female pharaoh Hatshepsut, who ruled ancient Egypt as both queen and king nearly 3,500 years ago, archaeologists announced today.
The scientists are also conducting DNA tests, and preliminary results suggest a close familial relationship between the mummy and that of Hatshepsut's grandmother, Amos Nefreteri."
There are some arguments about Hatshepsut's relationship with Moses:
"Hatshepsut was the daughter of Pharaoh Thutmose I (a.k.a. Thutmosis) of XVIII the Dynasty during the New Kingdom, Egypt's Golden Age. Her reign was in ca. 1490 - 1468 B.C. Some historians believe that she was the Pharoah's daughter that drew Moses out of the Nile."
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Egypt could not be a hero in the human history. It is Israelites, Greeks, Alexander the Great, the Roman Empire, Christianity, and Islam. Its great pyramids could not become a symbol of their glory and hegemony over the Middle East and around the Mediterranean which had been highly expected but could not come true in these 5000 years.
Even Jesus Christ reportedly mentioned almost nothing about Egypt.
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Even though Moses looks like a half Egyptian helped by female pharaoh Hatshepsut, Egypt had not share the glory of Israelites and Jesus Christ.
But why?
Egypt could have been a literally world empire with hegemony over three continents: Africa, Europe, and Asia. But, since the era of Alexander the Great, no heroes and heroines emerged from original Egyptians, while providing a great stage for the foreign heroine Cleopatra.
But why?
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It is their faith and religion.
The God or Allah was not pleased with religions and faith of ancient Egyptians, in my view.
For example, the God did not punish Greeks and Romans for their religions and faith; but He instead showed extreme preference to the religion and faith of Israelites.
When Greek-origin Cleopatra died in a war against the Roman Empire, the God seems to have decided to send His Son among Israelites but not in Egypt.
And, 600 years later, the God seems to have decided to provide Islam with people in the Arabian Peninsula but not in Egypt.
But, again, what was wrong in their faith and religion?
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Egypt, from the ancient days of Hatshepsut with Moses involved through the era of Cleopatra with Herod and his clan involved to these days with Princess Diana involved, seems to have been given a special role by the God or Allah.
And, I think the reason consists in their faith and religion of the era symbolized by pyramids, which makes the pyramids all the more mysterious.
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The true rival of Israelites for wining God's favor must have been ancient Egyptians but not ancient Greeks.
Ancient Egyptians built that great tangible monument called pyramids; but ancient Israelites built great intangible code of conducts and ethics before their God which are symbolized by Abraham and his clans.
The God loved a mind set and behaviors of Abraham.
(Most importantly, Abraham's mind set and behaviors are not inherently Arab but Sumerian.)
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It is a big omen that Hatshepsut's body is identified in 2007.
We may see another divine queen as well as another Moses in these days, though not necessarily in Egypt.
They may emerge, say, from the poorest community in America, since they can be another Hatshepsut and another Moses beyond worldly fates.
Or, possibly, they have been already in your sight in whatever style.
(You may wonder what merit lies in the issue of such queens and princesses.
Indeed, we still need Mother Mary to educate various types of bad men, women, and couples.
Truly, it has passed decades since the death of Marilyn Monroe.
So, I will ask any man what his wife's ranking is toward either Mother Mary or Marilyn Monroe, so that he would probably find how blessed or coursed he is, if I may so imply.
Anyway, the Hatshepsut class can be rather easy for a man proving himself to the Lord God, even in my context.)
"...and He would give you life-giving water..."