Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Miracles so Apparent

Miracles so Apparent
(Les miracles si évidents)

Recently EEE Reporter has been found to be prophetic, which can be regarded as a kind of miracles.

On August 30, 2007, I wrote "A Town Difficult to Find In Europe" in which I reported on a Japanese traveler around Modena in Italy.

Then on September 9, the celebrated Italian tenor in operatic music Luciano Pavarotti died in Modena.

On September 26, 2007, I wrote "Too Many Murder Cases" in which I suggested that contribution to elimination of murders is more important than, say, wining a Nobel Prize.

Then on September 27, the Japanese photojournalist Kenji Nagai was shot to death. It is also well known that Myanmar heroine Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.

Statistics of fallen journalists in the world:
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But the miracle should be essentially for revealing the glory of God or Allah to mankind.

The biggest miracle for you should be the very fact that a certain human being, namely you, was born and be living now with self-consciousness of being yourself in addition to a unique mind and heart in this specific era.

That is why how far your mind is now from the love of God is at stake.
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One wonder I am always amazed at is that fact that the moon looks the same as the sun, in terms of apparent size, from the ground of the earth.

Mankind has taken it for granted. Mankind has thought it is a norm that a satellite appears in the same size as a fixed star from its parent planet.

But it is almost impossible for a civilized species on any planet to observe such a satellite during its period of allowed existence on a planet.

Especially when thinking about the origin of our moon, I wonder how rare it would be that the moon created in a hugely rough manner looks the same as the sun in terms of apparent size from the ground of the earth.

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Nonetheless, most of mankind would laugh at such a thought, saying that it all happened by chance.

But, when you look up at the sky to confirm that the moon and the sun look the same in terms of size, you must know that there is no such a physical rule that the moon should look like so from the earth.

The moon can be smaller or larger. The possibility that the moon can be smaller or larger, thus appearing smaller or larger than the sun, is extremely high.

(The proportion of the moon's size to the earth's [one to four in the diameter] is also very large when compared with that of other ordinary satellite to its parent planet.)

The angular diameter of the moon is between 29 to 33 arc-minutes while the sun's is 32 arc-minutes.

That is why solar eclipse and annular eclipse can happen.
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What's more, as the moon was formed initially nearer to the earth and then has been receding away from the earth since then (actually 3.8cm or an inch per year), the apparent size of the moon has been also changing.

If intellectual life, namely mankind, was established on the earth earlier or later than the real history, we must have seen a smaller or a larger moon today. There might be no annular eclipse in the sky above.

Put simply, that fact that mankind sees the moon in the same apparent size as the sun is a true miracle, since such a chance or a probability is almost nil, especially in terms of the historical timing of evolution of mankind.
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The fact that the moon and the sun look like the same in terms of apparent size to mankind must have had a very profound and great influence on development of mentality and spirituality of mankind.

In the human history, the sun and the moon were treated in a pair or in parallel, though in contrast, when human philosophies, religions, and myths were conceived, developed and deepened.

I really think it can be found even in development of dualism:

Conversely, mankind could not have sufficiently developed the concept of good and bad, Heaven and the hell, or love and coldness unless the moon and the sun look like the same in terms of apparent size to mankind.

If aliens in the outer space or from other planet happened to emerge and evolve in a different planet-satellite system, they might not have the same ethics as mankind on the earth has.

From a different point of view, whenever we look up at the sky, we have to see the love and intention of God to mankind, since the moon is the gift from God.
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If the above said earth-moon system was planned and designed by the God from the beginning of the universe, it is really amazing.

Indeed, the God is almighty and omnipotent, the proof of which has been always there in the sky!

Truly, the God has not only created the earth and mankind but also prepared the moon that looks the same as the sun in terms of apparent size to the eyes of evolving mankind, in order to promote development of philosophy, religion, and culture, by taking such a slight chance for the superb creation and alignment of the moon!

Therefore, the God not only created you but also must have prepared somebody in order for you to develop your love to God or Allah as well as neighbors.

That somebody might be very easy to find, just like for you to find the moon in the sky in most of nights and days, since it is apparently as large as the sun.

(As a reference for how a thing would happen and settle down, using an example of the creation of the moon:
http://yso.mtk.nao.ac.jp/~kokubo/moon/kit/movie.html )

"...because he is my follower and will certainly have a reward..."

(weil er mein Nachfolger ist und zweifellos eine Belohnung haben wird)