Thursday, December 06, 2007

1941, 1963, 1997, and 2001

1941, 1963, 1997, and 2001
(1941, 1963, 1997, et 2001)

The International Telecommunications Satellite Organization was established based on a strong initiative by President John F. Kennedy.

Accordingly, the U.S. launched Telstar 1 for the first intercontinental communications over the Atlantic Ocean on July 10, 1962

Further, another satellite Relay 1 was launched on December 13, 1962 for the same purpose over the Pacific Ocean to fly around the earth taking three hours for each round like Telstar 1.

In November, 1963, the first experiment on TV-signal transmission via the satellite between Japan and the U.S. was about to be conducted with a planned address by U.S. President Kennedy to Japan.

But, staff involved in this pure engineering experiment in Japan saw a strange image on a screen televised live from the U.S. to Japan for the first time in history: "Some cacti in a desert-like field or garden."

Then later on the TV screen, they observed a news report that the U.S. President had been shot in Dallas, Texas, earlier on the very day.

It is as if the President had prepared a means to inform Japan of something fatal on the U.S. on his last day on the earth using the first inter-Pacific Ocean TV broadcast realized with his own initiative.

(Once Japan's NHK TV station broadcast a special report program related to this incident to Japanese audience.)
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That is why I am telling you that Japan may have to deal with the JFK assassination as with the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 as well as the 9/11 Terror of 2001 which could be regarded as being linked, no matter how difficult to comprehend, to Princess Diana's death in Paris in 1997.
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Some Japanese really like to study the case of the so-called "JFK Assassination."

Some of them really travel to Dallas, Texas, to check the site.

But, most of them seem to receive an impression that the Dealey Plaza is narrower than they expected to be, based on various pictures and documents they checked in Japan before their visit on the very Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, the U.S.

But, to be informed of more beforehand, they may have to further wait for 2017, since in the U.S. "the Act requires that all assassination records must be opened by 2017, with the exception of records certified for continued postponement by the President."
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A conspiracy theory for any incident can be part of another conspiracy being operated at an upper level by the very persons who planed and created the incident.

But, as the death of Jesus Christ and its handling in these 2000 years are one clear example of acts of machination, it is necessary to face those incidents in 1941, 1963, 1997, and 2001 so that we can correctly and most piously interpret the death of Jesus Christ.

In other word, by correctly and honorably facing those incidents in 1941, 1963, 1997, and 2001, we may be able to correctly and most piously interpret the death of Jesus Christ.

Christians in the U.S. seem not to be good at in this field for these decades since the end of WWII, so that Japan may have to deal with the JFK assassination as with the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 as well as the 9/11 Terror of 2001 which could be regarded as being linked, no matter how difficult to comprehend, to Princess Diana's death in Paris in 1997.
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But, you may wonder if it is worth risking one's own life or a national interest.

In this respect, you have to take note of the facts: Millions of people in regions involved were killed and wounded in the wars triggered by the attack at Pearl Harbor; Millions of people in regions involved were killed and wounded in the wars triggered by the regime change after the JFK Assassination; and Millions of people in regions involved have been and are being killed and wounded in the wars triggered by the 9/11 Terror.

And even today, tens of thousands of youths living in the U.S. without US nationality or citizenship are recruited by US military and sent to Iraq or Afghanistan.

To prevent tragedy on any such individual, somebody in Japan should be in charge of this "big issue," since there are many ex-soldier homeless people in the U.S.

Then, Japan will face better US Administration and less demanding request from the U.S. in terms of economy and security.

Finally, Jesus Christ, the ever greatest victim of a conspiracy, will reward Japan in any way, in my feeling.
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"According to the US Space Objects Registry, Telstar 1 was still in orbit as of October 2007 (Wikipedia)," though it is unclear if Relay 1 is still above the sky.

The era is yet to be closed.

"...Many witnesses told lies against Jesus, but their stories did not agree..."

(Es meldeten sich zwar viele falsche Zeugen gegen ihn, aber ihre Aussagen stimmten nicht uberein)