Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Blue Sun over Cuba

The Blue Sun over Cuba

(Le bleu soleil au-dessus de Cuba)

The more you study the 1963 JFK assassination conspiracy, the less you believe an easy conspiracy theory on the 9/11 Terror on New York and Washington D.C. in 2001.

“Mentions of the fate that befell President John F. Kennedy and Senator Kennedy only increased after Mr. Obama was joined on the campaign trail by Caroline Kennedy and Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts.”


If you can fight a virtual war against the superpower United States of America for 40 years while governing one nation situated very close to the mainland of the U.S., you can claim the title of The Hero.

In this sense, Mr. Fidel Castro is The Hero of the Era after WWII.

It is well known that CIA tried to assassinate him in early 1960’s. CIA and Cuban insurgents tried the Bay of Pigs Invasion in vain in 1961.

Cuba could narrowly avoid the all-out US military invasion when the Cuban missile crisis set off in 1962.

Yet, Mr. Fidel Castro could be assassinated at any time, since CIA, the Mafia, and Cuban insurgents all dreamed of it and such an operation was not against the US Constitution and laws at all then.

However, it was then US President John F. Kennedy who was assassinated by an organization originally formed to target Mr. Fidel Castro in Havana.


There are some impressive things for me about the JFK assassination.

For example, some American citizens still believe that Mr. Fidel Castro ordered the assassination of JFK, which succeeded in Dallas.

It must be a result of a conspiracy to diffuse the conspiracy theory that Mr. Fidel Castro ordered the assassination of JFK.

By doing so, the true culprits could have people avert their thoughts from truth and accuse the potential victim, namely Mr. Fidel Castro, instead.

One of other impressive things is that an Israelite American was involved in the conspiracy: Jack Leon Ruby who reportedly in his childhood had worked for the notorious gangster Alphonse Gabriel Capone.

As Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald, arrested for a groundless charge of having shot JFK, in the Dallas Police Department building two days after the assassination of JFK, everything got into a mess and eventually buried under a heap of conspiracy theories including the one that points at Mr. Fidel Castro as the key plotter.


Lee Harvey Oswald once visited and lived for some time in the Soviet Union after having left the US Marines.

It is said that it is because he had been recruited by CIA while being stationed in a US military base near Tokyo, Japan, in 1957 or so.

It is also said that he was trying to travel to Cuba months before the JFK assassination.

He actually made some demonstrations on a street of New Orleans to support Mr. Fidel Castro just before the JFK assassination.

So, it is as if Lee Harvey Oswald having become a spy of the Soviet Union had shot JFK by a rifle purchased through mail-order from a window of a text-book depository building where he had been hired though he had a Russian wife in the era of the truly cold war against the Soviet Union.

(Who would use his workplace as a platform of a snipe if he wants to avoid any suspicion falling on him after shooting the US President, especially when he has a wife from an enemy country?)

But, the fact must have been Lee Harvey Oswald was a spy who was hired by CIA.

In my theory, Lee Harvey Oswald was being set up by CIA to become a false traitor of the U.S. and get hired by the Soviet Union as a spy.

On the other hand, a secret unit of the US Government had a plan to assassinate Mr. Fidel Castro using people under control of the Mafia, such as Jack Ruby.

So, some high ranking US officials were engaged in two operations: the sending Lee Harvey Oswald to the Soviet Union or Cuba as a convert to Marxism, and the plot to assassinate Mr. Fidel Castro using the Mafia and Cuban insurgents.

These two plots were combined by chance or inevitably by those who made up their minds to assassinate JFK for some reasons.

As these two conspiracies had been being carried out in a closed world or in a restricted community of the US intelligence sphere, no one could trace the movement and human relationships of Lee Harvey Oswald (under CIA) and Jack Ruby (under the Mafia).

Especially, FBI and the next US President succeeding JFK simply or strangely accepted the conspiracy: JFK was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald alone who was soon shot and killed by Jack Ruby, since Lee Harvey Oswald seemed to be a spy of the Soviet Union and Jack Ruby was an admirer of the Kennedys and a friend of the Dallas Police.

Indeed, as only several men knew the truth and they all belonged to CIA or the Mafia, no one including the US Congress and the US media could know the truth.

In this way, the JFK assassination was carried out and the spate of subsequent conspiracy theories actually blinded US citizens.


Mr. Fidel Castro must know all the facts and truth regarding the JFK Assassination Conspiracy that made him one of candidates for the possible mastermind behind the JFK Assassination.

He must even hold some evidences to prove who were really involved in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, though Mr. Fidel Castro himself might not be so confidently aware of it all through his long career, which nonetheless has actually prevented a party concerned in Washington D.C., New York, Miami, New Orleans, and Chicago from taking disproportionately big risks while they have been alive, too, with overt or covert power at any moment in these decades.

That must be why he can survive and keep his power to date in Cuba situated so close to the mainland US, in my theory.
* * *

There are some liberal Japanese who still admire or newly come to admire Che Guevara (Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna), a deceased old friend of Mr. Fidel Castro.

I don’t feel like strongly admiring Che Guevara, since he does not look like a Native American or a Hispanic.

True revolution in Latin America should be carried out by Hispanics or Native Central/South Americans, though in a wider scope there is a dangerous example of Pol Pot, Cambodia.

A true religious revolution in the U.S. should be mainly carried out by descendants of African slaves who were emancipated after the Civil War that ended in 1865.

Truly the color of the skin has almost nothing to do with it, since you can be color-blinded for some reason, for example, if the sun should be blue in the blue sky; yet the lineage is a concrete and fixed fact as depicted in the Gospel tracing back to the Sumerian Era from the birth of the First Messiah on the earth.

(What do you think of Ms. Caroline Kennedy?

As long as she lives, I think, this Era continues.

But, if your brother, if any, was killed in an accident like John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. after having taken off from an airport near New York in 1999, wouldn't you take some decisive action?

Especially won't you do so, if it was just after the death of Princess Diana in Paris?

Indeed, New York and Paris are not holy at all.

Doubtless, Tokyo must become holy. )

“…sharing in the fellowship meals and prayers…”

(Sie waren in der Gemeinschaft gemeinsame Nutzung von Speisen und Gebete.)