Thursday, February 14, 2008

From 1776 To 2008 Through 1997 and 2001

(all around Tokyo)

From 1776 To 2008 Through 1997 and 2001

(À partir de l'année 1776 - 2008)

On Tuesday, February 06, 2007, I wrote “A Genealogical Tree Since 1776”:

Mr. Takashi Hirose, a prominent author in Japan, published a book titled "Sekai Sekiyu Senso (World Oil Wars)" in 2002.

He pointed out that oil incurs wars and wars incur arms business. In this context, he especially mentioned Mr. Adnan Khashoggi.

According to other source, "his 'services' as a 'facilitator' have never ceased throughout US administrations since Nixon, and lately, he met with Richard Perle, shortly before the American invasion of Iraq, in 2003" (

Mr. Hirose showed various genealogical trees in his book. The following scheme has been arranged based on public knowledge and an original genealogical tree in Mr. Hirose's book as of early 2002, in order to present a certain genealogy of public figures, which is mysteriously connected with Mr. Khashoggi:

"Till the beginning of the Age of Wars on Terror [2001]…
(Please click the image for a larger view.)

This is one of main themes of EEE Reporter.

Very symbolically, after the declaration of the independence of the United States, Nathan Rothschild was born.

He and his descendants got very successful in financial business in the U.K. as everybody knows. Even the Rothschilds cooperated with the Empire of Japan for raising funds in Europe to carry out the war against Russia in early 20th century.

There are two key figures and one hidden symbolic figure in the above Genealogical Tree Chart:
Pamela Digby, a backer of Mr. Bill Clinton (though her second husband was a backer of the Bushes) and the former US Ambassador to France until the death in early 1997; also regarded as a remote relative of the Rothschilds through her mother’s sister.

Mr. Adnan Kashoggi, a Saudi Arabian agent of the US defense industry (having a business tie with influential US investment groups including the Bushes) and an uncle of Princess Diana’s Muslim boyfriend.

Winston S. Churchill, the former prime minister of the U.K. during WWII and the father of the first husband of Pamela Digby.

In addition, Princess Diana was a remote relative of the Rothschilds, according to other genealogical tree chart.

As the incumbent US President is one of the Bushes and one of the incumbent US Presidential Election candidates is the wife of Mr. Bill Clinton, the above genealogical tree has still significance and various implications.
* * *

It is said that it is very dangerous to cite those people above mentioned, especially Mr. Adnan Kashoggi who has a business tie with influential US investment groups including the Bushes.

It is also said that even Mr. Michael Moore avoided to make mention of these people.

However, taking into consideration so many lives sacrificed and so much money used for the War on Terror, I have to expect US voters and taxpayers to consider these facts in a context of the fate of the U.S. and the sins of the era since the Declaration of the Independence of the U.S.

Then you will find what the true conspiracy is.
* * *

Nonetheless, the history related to the Genealogical Tree Chart is not long: just 230 years.

The Vatican can claim 2000 year history since the First Disciples of Jesus Christ.

China can also claim 2200 year history since the First Emperor.

In terms of the ability of performing conspiracy, the Vatican and Chinese elites might be more than a match for the Rothschilds and their friends.

But, the God can send an Angel, at any time, who can break any conspiracy planned and conducted by any party, if He so wishes.

Otherwise, He might use any conspiracy for His own purpose, for example, to show His own glory.

Yet, you had better ponder what has been hidden dangerously in the US history in order to avoid another 9/11 Terror on New York and Washington D.C.

(Now you know why amorous liaison, especially in Paris, cannot be overlooked at all sometimes.

If all the so-called Christians in Europe and America have come to laugh at the teaching of Jesus Christ through their adultery, the God must take a decisive action. The death of Princess Diana can be examined and reviewed in this context, regardless of whatever conspiracy behind it.

And, in my theory, it led to the 9/11 Terror.

So, good girls and Mlles., your decision and action might symbolize the stance of some people against the God, which might trigger a divine action.

You may indirectly cause another 9/11 Terror, or you may prevent it, in my very personal theory, whether you can compete with Diana or not.)

“…If you hear God’s voice today, do not be stubborn…”

(Seid heute, wenn ihr meine Stimme hort, nicht so verstockt… )