Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Fundamental Secret to Be True Master

The Fundamental Secret to Be True Master

(Le secret fondamental à un vrai maître)

Who is the Ambassador to Mankind from Heaven?

You or the Messiah?

Or “John McCain,” “Hillary,” or “Barack Hussein Obama?”


In early 1990’s there were 2,000 golf courses in Japan while there were 12,000 in the U.S.

Then by the early 21st century the number of golf courses in the U.S. grew up to be 16,000.

However, now it is said that US golf course owners and related companies are seeing a decline of the golf boom with 2.6 million people going for golf 25 times or more per year in 2005 despite 6.9 million people having done so in 2000, according to a certain golf association of the U.S.

You may think it is irrelevant, but I feel that the Roman Empire must have also entered its decline phase with such a decline of the number of citizens going to some sort of entertainment or sports.


When President Mr. Bill Clinton achieved budget surplus in late 1990’s and further presented a forecast, in July 2000, of accumulated financial surplus reaching $5610 billion during the fiscal years between 2002 and 2011, the U.S. must have been at its peak of material prosperity as the only super-power on the earth.

But now, the U.S. has a budget deficit of $200 billion in fiscal 2007 and an external deficit of $810 billion, while Japan and China have $1 trillion foreign reserves, respectively.


There is an interesting opinion on Mr. Barack Obama and Mr. Tiger Woods: “The Orange Grove: Obama is no Tiger Woods”
The immense cross-cultural appeal of Tiger Woods is based on many aspects of his profile (foremost among them, of course, is that, unlike Obama, he has already transformed his incredible potential into actual accomplishments). While at first glance Barack Obama appears to possess many of those same qualities, when you scratch below the surface it becomes clear that his resemblance to Tiger Woods is literally only skin deep.

And some comments to this opinion:
Obviously OC Register readers have reached some kind of consensus that Hillary Clinton is not going to be the Democratic nominee, since they have now chosen to dump on Senator Obama. John Ziegler has already found a convenient way, which -- by comparing him with Tiger Wood -- has given him a way to figure out that Obama is playing the "racial victim" card…(by islander)

Islander - It's Woods not Wood. By the way - anybody can guess which group you belong to, the destroyers I'm sure. Also I'm not just dumping on Obama. The point was private citizens produce, politicans plunder…(by thormod)


“Obama” is good at talking about ideal; “Tiger” is good at playing golf.

And, the both may be good at serving US citizens as the President or not at all, since only the God knows.


If you are good at speaking ideal, you can be rich and successful by relying on the ability.

If you are good at playing golf, you can be rich and successful by relying on the ability.

However, you cannot be truly matured, if you become rich and successful only by relying on your advantage and merit.

You cannot even learn how losers feel and think while they are being defeated by you in your home ground.

You cannot be truly called master if you do not learn and experience the feeling and thinking of losers, since Jesus Christ truly loves such losers.

You cannot even learn what precious merits exist in other fields where you are a poor player.

You can be a champion in your home ground easily, but you cannot in other’s home ground. “Barack” cannot be easily a champion in golf; “Tiger” cannot be easily a champion in politics.

Indeed, you cannot be truly called a master if you do not try to master what you are not good at at all, since the God often requests you to leave what you are good at and get engaged in what you are not good at.

In short, “Barack” and “Tiger” are not true masters at all, being viewed from this standpoint.

They look like being just small-time champions who have ever only fought in their home ground with just one-side knowledge of being a winner but not being a loser.


“Barack” may be elected as the US President, while the U.S. has started to follow suit of the Roma Empire declining.

“Tiger” may become a winner in other championship games or title matches, while the U.S. has started to follow suit of the Roma Empire declining.

But, if “Tiger” challenges to be elected as the US President, and “Barack” challenges to become a winner in golf championship games or golf title matches, the U.S. may grow up to be a more glorious state than the Roman Empire.

It is because Mr. Tyson had to experience a complete defeat to get matured at the age of 39, and Mr. Foreman had to be a complete winner at the age of 45 to be true master.

(If you are good at becoming rich, challenge to become poor.

If you are good at becoming a winner in any competition in business, challenge to become a loser.

This is how you can become a true master, since devils tried to tempt Jesus Christ to enjoy being rich and being a winner, though Jesus Christ rejected them all to prove He is the Messiah.

Now, you know why you have to respect poor people, losers, and other man who married a poor or a failed woman, since they are rather closer to a true master than you are.)

[as my humble blessing to you, if any...]