Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"I would believe what she said"

(not a desert but dried up rice field prepared for spring, Japan)

"I would believe what she said" [if not insane...]

("Je crois que ce qu'elle a dit")

SECTION I: Benazir Bhutto

I sensed something akin to an acute concern close to a pain, if not sincere remorse, in a picture of Secretary of State Ms. Rice being seated on an uncomfortable chair, signing the book of condolences for late Benazir Bhutto, in a posture hardened up.

So, you can hear the interview with Benazir Bhutto by an old British journalist associated with BBC and Al Jazeera conducted on Nov. 2, 2007.


Then you would wonder as she said, "...Omar Sheikh who murdered Osama Bin Laden..."

But, BBC would not present this video as it is, which caused some criticism:


And you will find two interesting comments in the BBC site:
At 10:37 AM on 07 Jan 2008,
James wrote:

It was quite obvious that she mis-spoke and the BBC was simply trying to avoid confusion. If you look at other interviews with her before and after the Al Jazeera one she talks about Bin Laden but never claims he was murdered by Omar Sheikh. Get a life people.


At 11:45 PM on 14 Jan 2008,
chris wrote:

This is clear and obvious censorship,you say it appears that she has mis spoken - this is a ludicrous accusation to make.

Benazir Bhutto was not some conspiracy nutcase that you could ignore, infact in her position of power and integrity I would believe what she said over anything the BBC reports on Bin Laden.

You got busted pure and simple.

I have totally lost all faith in the BBC,you should be ashamed to call yourself a journalist.


SECTION II: "Osama bin Laden"

Benazir Bhutto mentioned the son of Mr. Osama bin Laden believed to be hiding in Afghanistan or Pakistan in her interview.

Benazir Bhutto also mentioned a certain terrorist who killed British tourists and American tourists, pointing at the exact number of those victims in each nationality.

So, it could have been a big news that Benazir Bhutto said on Nov. 2, 2007: "…Omar Sheikh who murdered Osama Bin Laden..."

But, as you know, the mainstream media and the governments in the world have ignored her words delivered in a certain context related to her own security, as if she had spoken something meaningless with minor confusion while being interviewed by "Sir David Frost for the al-Jazeera channel" though she was a Muslim.

SECTION III: A Permanent Stay of US Military in Iraq

Will US voters and taxpayers support the idea, the building of permanent US military base in Iraq?
By Rep. Ms. Barbara Lee

…While Negroponte denied that the Bush administration is seeking a permanent military presence as part of recent administration discussions about a SOFA with Iraq, just last November President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Maliki entered into a Declaration of Principles, which cites ‘security assurances and commitments’, without the approval of Congress.

…The Bush administration cannot unilaterally establish a long term military presence in Iraq, tying the hands of future presidents, without Congressional approval.

This resolution is intended to hold President Bush accountable to the bills he has signed into law that include provisions prohibiting permanent military bases in Iraq. I will work with my colleagues to generate support to push this resolution through Congress.


I wonder how the Iraqi people were thinking about Mr. Osama bin Laden.

It is because it was not Saddam Hussein who had triggered the US invasion of Iraq but Mr. Osama bin Laden.

Without the 9/11 Terror in 2001, there should be no present-day Iraqi situations.

Don't they want to pursue Mr. Osama bin Laden for any accounts or reasons?

And, as for US troops, aren't they feeling strange that they are doing hard work in Iraq while Mr. Osama bin Laden is believed to be in the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan or just inside Pakistan?

Indeed, people concerned seem to be working as if Mr. Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with their business in Iraq from the beginning.

SECTION IV: Singing President

US President Mr. George W. Bush reportedly recently sang on his future happy retirement in a party held in Washington D.C.

"Mr. Osama bin Laden" might become a thing of the past in the mind of the US President.
* * *

The first agenda for the next US President (yet to be) should be “Mr. Osama bin Laden” as it should be for the incumbent President.

Otherwise, history might be written in future with a remark that "…since then very strangely Mr. Osama bin Laden has never surfaced forever without being arrested by the United States full of wealth, troops, weapons, secret agents, and Nobel Prize winners…"

(The "3 a.m. call" issue is very important, since such a thing would usually happen when nobody expects it, though many expect it at 3 a.m. nowadays.

But, who among US officials would feel proud getting always prepared for such emergency on behalf of “President Hillary” or “President Obama?”

But, we should be on behalf of Jesus Christ until He comes as the second Messiah.)


(Vergib deinen Feind)