Like Walking among Wild Roses of the Midsummer (as so played in music over the Internet recently)
(Un étranger lanuguage est comme une rose avec épines.)
When I was by chance talking, of course in Japanese in Japan, with a foreign-born young Japanese man with sufficient experiences overseas, he suddenly asked me, “You speak English, don’t you?”
However, when I was by chance talking, of course in Japanese in Japan, with a young American with some ability of speaking Japanese, he never asked me, “You speak English, don’t you?”
1.1 English Education in Japan
The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper of Japan this morning discussed the new trend in English education in Japan.
Now, more and more universities in Japan are creating chairs and giving courses where foreign professors are delivering lectures in English to ordinary students (not majoring in English literature).
English can be a tool but the native language is treasure.
But, I am afraid that unless Japanese students learn and understand European Christianity fully, their using English might result in their obtaining the second class citizenship in the U.S. where non-Christian Asians cannot be trusted ultimately.
For Your Information, the most used languages in the Internet are as follows:
No. 1…English………380 million users
No. 2…Chinese………185
No. 3…Spanish………113
No. 4…Japanese……88
No. 5…French………64
No. 6…German………62
[Note: The Japanese language is only spoken in one country, Japan, unlike any other language listed above, while Korean is spoken in the whole Korean Peninsula and the boarder area of Manchu.]
Now you know why Japan and Spain must be permanent members of the U.N. Security Council.
1.2 The Children's Investment Fund (TCI)
As I wrote on April 23, 2008, The Children's Investment Fund is trying to acquire a larger stake in Electric Power Development Co. that owns a significant public infrastructure in Japan.
The Yomiuri Shimbun today also presented a report on this controversial business issue from a view point as to how much strategically and socially important Japanese companies should go public with openness to foreign funds.
However it never discussed the association of TCI with the Rothschild clan.
As the major media never reveal the link of foreign financial institutes, trying to take an active part in the Japanese money market, with Rockefeller or Rothschild financial networks, some critics, such as Mr. Benjamin Fulford, seem to be getting more absorbed in conspiracy theories most of non-nonsense Japanese readers never believe but find fun or a merit in supporting such theories to make the Japanese public anti-American and thus expand their political influence.
2.1 Exodus From BOJ or MOF
Mr. Benjamin Fulford, a Canadian Japanese critic, recently presented his argument on the Bank of Japan (BOJ) in his Web site using Japanese.
His Japanese writing looks a little untidy, but it is very much understandable. His personality can be accepted by a majority of Japanese. And, his argument on the Bank of Japan is interesting in that he bravely pointed at the influence of the Rockefeller and Rothschild networks on BOJ.
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On the other hand, a major media reporter specializing in BOJ matters recently wrote in his blog that very hopeful young bureaucrats of BOJ and a certain ministry of the Japanese Government quit their jobs and took up a new career in a major law firm, respectively.
Recently, it is said that the more ambitious or material-oriented Japanese young bureaucrats are, the more likely they will change their jobs to work in foreign financial institutes in Tokyo, probably, under an influence of a Rockefeller or Rothschild network.
Nonetheless, I trust bureaucrats stubbornly honest in pursuing their career if it looks out of fashion or out of time, good or bad, so long as they have a minimum necessary amount of national pride and human pride as humble Japanese.
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2.2 Former Premier Mr. Koizumi’s Speech
Last November, Former Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Junichiro Koizumi visited Singapore to deliver a speech on the ongoing reformation of the Japanese Government in terms of economic and financial policies and structures.
He did this speech in English and drew enthusiastic applause.
But, the manuscript of his address was not drawn by a bureaucrat of the Japanese Government, though in most cases staff members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan are said to be in charge of translation work on such an occasion.
It was prepared by an American, reportedly being a friend of notable economist Mr. Heizo Takenaka, working in a branch office of a major US securities company. Therefore, Mr. Koizumi’s speech is not a product of a Japanese mind but an American mind, which however effectively appealed the audience in Singapore.
Some foreign finance companies are really gaining momentum in Tokyo along with the spread of English in business, politics, and higher education.
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(However, in a recent homicide case in Tokyo, a husband, an employee of a subsidiary company of that prominent US securities company, was killed and mutilated by his troubled wife, might tell something, being rooted in the paradigm of English speaking wealthy people, that can destroy virtue of Japanese mind and heart.
Young Japanese elite bureaucrats are usually given a chance to learn abroad at the expense of the Japanese Government. They are sent to universities in America, France, and Germany for completing a master course.
Of course, elites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan are professionals in mastering English.
But, the one Former Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Koizumi trusts is an American economist in preparing his speech in Singapore.
Yet, among hundreds of languages in the world, Japanese is the fourth major language used on the Internet due to active use of the Internet by Japanese.
It is time for Japan to request people in the world to learn Japanese more, so that Japanese former prime ministers will find more easily and conveniently translators among Americans and Europeans or in the United Nations who respect and love Japan more than a certain foreign security company in Tokyo which might be connected to the so called cold-blood Rothschild or Rockefeller network according to some critics, such as a Canadian Japanese critic making tear-provoking efforts in writing a Japanese article on the Bank of Japan.
(There is a theory that one of roots of the Japanese language is South India.
More specifically, Tamil seems to have some common words with Japanese.
This idea is not widely accepted in the academic community.
But, the ancient Indus Civilization, built by people who must have shared some linguistic traits with some ancestors of Japanese thousands of years ago, might influence Tamils now living in Mumbai and other southern Indian regions.
And, of course, a language used by ancient Israelites, say, 2000 years ago, might have an influence on some people still living around the Mediterranean.
Even the modern Latin might still embrace the trait of Aramic Jesus Christ spoke.
What do you think? Become a nun to go deep into the Vatican and find the truth of expressions used in Gospel, if you, puella or domna, so pious.)
Mar 4:29 But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come.