Harry Potter and Princess Diana in 1997
Have you heard that "such was the clamour to read the fifth book that its English language edition became the first English-language book ever to top the bestseller list in France?"
Princess Diana died at the end of the summer in 1997.
But, at the beginning of the summer in 1997, the first edition of “Harry Potter” was published.
I do not of course read the book Harry Potter, since it has nothing to do with imminent threats to the world.
I do not of course read the book Harry Potter, since it is not a right thing to do to immediately follow suit when hundreds, thousands, or millions of people around have suddenly started to do the same thing, namely buying and reading Harry Potter.
I do not of course read the book Harry Potter, since the will of the author in her creating and presenting a children’s story seems to have nothing to do with the War on Terror and the War on the Financial Mafia, especially nowadays.
Though I have nothing to do with the Vatican, I do not of course read the book Harry Potter, since I do not think that the author is in the position to teach anything to people as she got married, got divorced, and got married again while getting richer.
But, of course, as some Japanese look like very proud of their having bought the original English version and read it before the release of the Japanese version, I like to say some on it.
It is a burden of monotheistic religion. It is a burden of living in the monotheistic religious world that is sensed in this boom of Harry Potter.
It also appeared in works of William Shakespeare, the burden of monotheistic religion.
From God at the infinitely high place to the sphere of Angels and spirits through the human world and further down to the world of the Devil, the material and spiritual universe is so organized. It is so simple to do good and enter Heaven if a story is so composed.
You fight for good against evil; Angels will come to help you; and you will be saved while making so many sins so long as you repent to be admitted into Heaven.
But, this simple scenario converging into the ever great glory of the God Almighty is truly a burden for people today just like those in the era of William Shakespeare.
People want a vague version of the battle between good and evil.
Nonetheless, children before entering the fully deployed spiritual world can stay there and enjoy adventures in the intermediate world, since the God allows it without applying a stern code of causality.
But every story for boys and girls should be ended when a hero or a heroine of the story has discovered that the world is not fair if he or she wins the heart of his or her own heroine or hero.
Necessity of life looks more important than an issue between good and evil. The church is demanding ultimately what is impossible. The Bible says that God loves the poor; but money does not love the poor. “Rich or poor” looks more important than “good or bad.”
In a story where ghosts, spirits, and magicians take active part but a crucial issue of good or evil is not sternly posed in a religious manner, you can enjoy being a hero or a heroine without a fear of encountering a messenger of God and facing the Last Judgment.
Finally, the Bible was written to save the world; Harry Potter was written to make money.
The Bible is not commercial goods; Harry Potter is commercial goods.
Authors of the Bible earned no money from writing; the author of Harry Potter earned big money as if the Devil had bought millions of copies of Harry Potter.
Yet, Princess Diana died at the end of the summer in 1997, though at the beginning of the summer in 1997, the first edition of “Harry Potter” was published.
Truly, Princess Diana should have taken the publication of Harry Potter as a warning sign to her fatal fate coming so near with a shadow of an ominous warlock still unidentified.
Now, let’s check what the Pope said about Harry Potter in 2003:
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Vatican City March 7, 2003
Esteemed and dear Ms. Kuby!
Many thanks for your kind letter of February 20th and the informative book which you sent me in the same mail. It is good, that you enlighten people about Harry Potter, because those are subtle seductions, which act unnoticed and by this deeply distort Christianity in the soul, before it can grow properly.
I would like to suggest that you write to Mr. Peter Fleetwood, (Pontifical Council of Culture, Piazza S. Calisto 16, I00153 Rome) directly and to send him your book.
Sincere Greetings and Blessings,
+ Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger Vatican City May 27, 2003
Esteemed and dear Ms. Kuby,
Somehow your letter got buried in the large pile of name-day , birthday and Easter mail. Finally this pile is taken care of, so that I can gladly allow you to refer to my judgment about Harry Potter.
Sincere Greetings and Blessings,
+ Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger-----------------------------------------------------
And, Vatican's Chief Exorcist reportedly repeated condemnation of Harry Potter in March 2006.
Vatican's Chief Exorcist Repeats Condemnation of Harry Potter Novels
By John-Henry Westen
ROME, March 1, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The Vatican's chief exorcist, Rev. Gabriele Amorth, is reported to have repeated his condemnations of the Harry Potter novels yesterday. According to press reports, Fr. Amorth, said of the books, "You start off with Harry Potter, who comes across as a likeable wizard, but you end up with the Devil. There is no doubt that the signature of the Prince of Darkness is clearly within these books.
"By reading Harry Potter a young child will be drawn into magic and from there it is a simple step to Satanism and the Devil," he said.
The news will come as no surprise to LifeSiteNews.com readers who recall that Fr. Amorth made very similar remarks in 2002 which went misreported in the North American media, until LifeSiteNews.com clarified the matter.-----------------------------------------------------
The Vatican seems determined to suppress happiness of the author of Harry Potter even in 2008.
Vatican City, Jan 14, 2008 / 04:45 pm (CNA).- J.K. Rowling's successful character Harry Potter is the wrong model of a hero, says the Vatican daily L'Osservatore Romano in its Monday-Tuesday edition.
In an article signed by Edoardo Rialti, L'Osservatore says that many have tried to establish a parallel between Rowling's main character and "the great fantasy masterpieces of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien and Clive Staples Lewis, the Christian authors of the most beloved fables of the 20th Century."
Rialti says that despite the "superficially apparent common points" between Harry Potter and the heroes in Tolkien's and Lewis' stories, Rowling "transmits a vision of the world and the human being full of deep mistakes and dangerous suggestions, even more seductive since it is mixed with half-truths and compelling story-telling."
The author recalls Tolkien's essays about fables, in which he says that "fables can depart from the physical world and the universe created, but not from the moral order: we can imagine a universe illuminated by a green sun, but we cannot bulk to the temptation of presenting as positive a reality in which the moral and spiritual structure are inverted or confused, a world in which evil is good..."
The article concludes by saying that "More relevant than ever is the judgment expressed by the then Cardinal Ratzinger to the series of critical articles written by the German journalist Gabriele Kuby about Harry Potter: 'It is good, that you enlighten people about Harry Potter, because those are subtle seductions, which act unnoticed and by this deeply distort Christianity in the soul, before it can grow properly'".-----------------------------------------------------
The Pope should still understand that Princess Diana died at the end of the summer in 1997, though at the beginning of the summer in 1997, the first edition of “Harry Potter” was published.
British boys and girls have been somehow spiritually protected from the “Princess Diana’s Case” by the emergence of Harry Potter.
British boys and girls have been somehow spiritually exempted by the emergence of Harry Potter from a terrible influence of the Princess Diana’s case on their hearts and souls.
British boys and girls would rather follow suit of Harry Potter rather than Prince Charles.
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( http://www.fukuchan.ac/music/j-folk0/tenshinoyuwaku.html )
Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.