Thursday, April 23, 2009

"The True Worshippers"

"The True Worshippers"

There seems to be some misunderstanding.

What I have meant in these days are:
Hitler was one of the worst persons in these 2000 years.
Hitler was a European.
Hitler was a Christian.
Hitler had to pay $6 trillion to Judaists as damages and compensation (six million multiplied by one million dollars).

Therefore, every European looks like Hitler more than an Asian or an African does.
Every Christian looks like Hitler more than a Muslim, a Hindu, or a Buddhist does.
Accordingly, the Pope has to pay $6 trillion to Judaists as damages and compensation.

And, it is only the Pope who on this earth could collect $6 trillion from one billion Christians in the world, since $6 trillion is one billion multiplied by 6,000 dollars.

The Pope should raise the compensation funds by collecting 6,000 dollars from each of one billion Christians in the world to pay them for Judaists now living in the world.

As the first step of this holy mission, the Pope must first move the Vatican to Jerusalem.

This is what I have implied.

And, the Hitler’s case is still pending while every European looks like Hitler and the Pope would not address the issue.

(And what I am afraid is there are some among Europeans who still respect Hitler. So, look at the face of Hitler; indeed Hitler, without a small mustache, looks like a today’s European especially working in the financial sector.

And, if no European looks like Hitler, there must be many Judaists living in Europe or more Judaists living in Europe today than before WWII…

Why do Judaists need the nation Israel today? It is because somebody looks like Hitler in Europe.)

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Mr. Henry Kissinger met and talked with Japan’s Prime Minister Mr. Taro Aso yesterday.

I think it must be shocking to Mr. Kissinger that such a young half-African American was elected as President of the U.S.

But, this $4 trillion-scale global financial crisis paved the way for Mr. Obama’s presidency. When ten million American homeowners faced the crisis, this kind of great change could really happen. President Mr. Barack Obama is far better than the whole American society being driven to a chaos, violence, and disorder.

Now, let’s check what Mr. Kissinger, a veteran of WWII, spoke recently on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange:

Kissinger: Obama primed to create 'New World Order'

"Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective – a new world order – can emerge: A new era … in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in harmony."

The phrase "New World Order" causes alarm for many Americans, particularly those concerned about an international governing body trumping U.S. sovereignty or those that interpret biblical prophecy to foretell the establishment of a one-world government as key to the rise of the Antichrist. Conspiracy theorists, too, have latched on to the phrase, concerned that powerful financial or government figures are secretly plotting to rule the world.

Kissinger's ties to government and international powers – as well as his use of the phrase – have made him suspect in the eyes of many who are wary of what "new world order" might actually mean.

"There is a need for a new world order," Kissinger told PBS interviewer Charlie Rose last year, "I think that at the end of this administration, with all its turmoil, and at the beginning of the next, we might actually witness the creation of a new order – because people looking in the abyss, even in the Islamic world, have to conclude that at some point, ordered expectations must return under a different system."

As WND reported, Kissinger was also part of last year's super-secret Bilderberg Group, an organization of powerful international elites, including government, business, academic and journalistic representatives, that has convened annually since 1954.

But, why would not Mr. Henry Kissinger go back to Germany, where he was born, to settle down to honor his ancestors who must have had glorious life as European Judaists despite their outward and worldly hardship?

It is because the Hitler’s case is still pending and not closed yet.

It is why Mr. Kissinger took up the mysterious term "New World Order."

So, I insist that the Pope should respond to, and cope with, this kind of trend by first moving the Vatican to Jerusalem.

In addition, anti-Christ Stalin carried out a horrible bloody purge of two million and more Russians in 1930’s, which Hitler and his cohorts learnt, imitated, and applied to six million Judaists.

Yet, I do not think Mr. Henry Kissinger himself is anti-Christ at all.

But, what would you, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, or a pious American, do if Wall Street and Bilderberg Group were anti-Christ in the worst case?

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Now, coming back to the reality of the age of globalization, you need a clear paradigm change, since the paradigm on the globalization side is changing.

The New York Times
Shadowy Lines That Still Divide
Published: May 15, 2005

But beneath all that murkiness and flux, some of the same forces have deepened the hidden divisions of class. Globalization and technological change have shuttered factories, killing jobs that were once stepping-stones to the middle class. Now that manual labor can be done in developing countries for $2 a day, skills and education have become more essential than ever.

This has helped produce the extraordinary jump in income inequality. The after-tax income of the top 1 percent of American households jumped 139 percent, to more than $700,000, from 1979 to 2001, according to the Congressional Budget Office, which adjusted its numbers to account for inflation. The income of the middle fifth rose by just 17 percent, to $43,700, and the income of the poorest fifth rose only 9 percent.

For most workers, the only time in the last three decades when the rise in hourly pay beat inflation was during the speculative bubble of the 90's. Reduced pensions have made retirement less secure.

Though another Great Depression has been prevented so far now, the underlying atmosphere in the global community might be getting deteriorated and closer to that before the rise of Hitler.

Islamic terrorists took a step forward in this context. (Dubai-like economy might entice spiritual Muslims to the lurid material world, thus damaging old communities and pious practices.)

I can admit that Europe has drawn some lessons from the Hitler's case, though not perfectly at all. And, America has actually elected the first half-African American President as a kind of conciliatory strategy to deal with the inter-class crisis. Even Japan is expected to experience a rare regime change toward more labor-union-friendly government.

Including China and India, where terror and quasi-terror are reality, any country has danger of producing another Hitler.

And, the new Hitler might come out of not only the political community but also the entertainment industry or religious circles.

That is why I am watching and monitoring the political community, the entertainment industry, religious circles, and the media industry in the the God Almighty so wishes.

(Alors, j'ai dit qu'ils étaient des exécutants de la Mafia. I mean they will take a punch at you at any time if they can. You must know the difference between Hitler's Gurad (Schutz-Staffel) and samurai-soldiers of the Empire of Japan.[]=222295


Joh 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

Joh 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Joh 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

Joh 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.