Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Know Them by their Fruits"

(The Diet - Japan's National Parliament in Tokyo)


There are three mythical centers in Japan since ancient days, namely since more than 2000 years ago: Tsukushi (northern Kyusyu), Izumo (a coast region facing the Sea of Japan), and Yamato (Imperial capital prior to Kyoto).

An ancient Chinese official history book, called the Records of Three Kingdoms ("三国志" both in Chinese and Japanese), actually reported situations of the third century from Tsukushi to Yamato through around Izumo.

Even today, the chief Shinto priest of the Great Izumo Shrine claims that their family line can be traced back, in parallel with the Imperial family, for more than 2000 or 2500 years. There are no other such families in Japan today.

Yet, it is still mystery when and how the Japanese race was uniquely consolidated and the Japanese language was specifically established, unlike the case of English.

Anyway, there is a high degree of hidden variety among the Japanese people, since some look like a Western Asian, a South Asian, a Southeast Asian, or a Pacific islander of the light skin, while others have apparently the same DNAs as some of Chinese or Koreans.

Therefore, monolithic unity cannot be often easily attained in the Japanese society with 120 million population.

SECTION I: Hitler's Revolution

Everybody hates Adolf Hitler as an enemy of mankind since the end of WWII. Accordingly, everybody must forgive Adolf Hitler according to the teaching of Jesus Christ.

As you have to forgive Hitler, Judaists as a matter of course have to forgive Christians, Christians have to forgive Muslims, and Muslims have to forgive Judaists.

But, Hitler did not only abuse hatred of German Christians toward Judaists but also abused their material desire.

Hitler achieved a society with stable commodity prices, satisfactory wages for plain workers, well funded pension schemes and health insurance systems, and above all communities without crimes in addition to respect for the nature of the land.

What's more, the Hitler's government looked like giving priority to public good and interests over corporate interests.

The Hitler's Administration adopted the barter system for international trade as the German Government was under international economic sanctions after WWI.

Consequently, the Hitler's Administration made a majority of ordinary Germans materially happy though very rich people living in Germany, including German Judaists, were not treated preferentially.

Or more specifically, by sacrificing six million European Judaists, Hitler's Administration achieved this material revolution without resorting to Marxism or Communism.

If Hitler had not hated Judaists at all, he would have given silent consent to those political and religious gangsters who wanted to eradicate Judaiats, so long as confiscation of wealth from those Judaists was judged to be an essential factor for the success of his material revolution.

Ordinary German people got better off owing to the Hitler's policy to drive out Judaists, so that they must have thought it had been proven who had made them poor before the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. So, why would they try to worry about where those Judaists had gone, since Hitler was a pious Christian?

Yet, for the very reason, the Hitler's revolution was destined to fail, not economically but religiously.


SECTION II: Imperial Japan's Military Revolution

(To be continued...)

(Stop reading a book and go for demonstration on the street, somebody once said so as the age was as such even in Saigon, Washington D.C., and Paris. Mais ils voulaient que leur propre gloire, mais pas de Dieu, ma princesse. So, stop reading a book and go to wilderness of the modern civilization at least for 40 days if not 40 years!


Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?