Saturday, December 26, 2009

"the God of the living"

Toward Year-End Miracles

An Airbus A330 flying to Detroit Metropolitan Airport from Amsterdam was not blown up in midair. It is one of Christmas miracles.

However, there have been too many incidents of suicide-bomb terrorism in 2009. It is time to hold an international conference to stop suicide terrorism. It is more important than the COP15 meeting to prevent global warming.

To suppress CO2 emission, you only have to put a ceiling and impose limits on total consumption of oil/coal/gas by each country.

To prevent suicide bombings, you have to analyze how Wall Street and City have posed a threat to poor people living in the Islamic world.

American people have to choose Wall Street or God to avoid future suicide bombings to be carried out by some Muslims.


Coins and bills, namely cash, never lose its face value if many, many years pass.

Goods will become degraded as time goes by.

But, interest increases its value along with time progressing.

It is the demand side that is associated with value. It is not the supply side. Needs and supply belong to two different paradigms. Current economics is wrong in dealing with them in the same paradigm only.

And, please note that needs for cars have been ever increasing all over the world as time goes by. These needs are regraded as a source of value, or they may be seen as representing value.

SECTION II: History of The Vatican Europe

What was the Vatican doing when the Roman Empire was going to fall?

Are there any detailed records in the Vatican about situations on this critical period?

If not, isn't it too strange?

And, if there are, why and how the Roman Empire fell should be clearly understood.

406: The west frontier of the Roman Empire collapses as waves of Suevi, Alans, and Vandals cross the frozen Rhine near Mainz, and enter Gaul.

407: Constantine III leads many of the Roman military units from Britain to Gaul, occupying Arles (Arelate). This is generally seen as Rome's withdrawal from Britain.

410: Rome sacked by Visigoths

413: St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo begins to write The City of God.
476: August 28: Deposition of Romulus Augustulus by Odoacer: traditional date for the Fall of Rome in the West.

But, The City of God is not a record on status of the collapsing Empire.

Before the vanishing of the Roman Empire, Christianity was already recognized as the official religion of the empire. Accordingly, high-ranking Christians or the Vatican must have freely and fully witnessed incidents to record the status as an evidence of their faith in the turmoil of the era. But what was written was directed to contemporary Roman Christians and not to future observers.

It was written soon after Rome was sacked by the Visigoths in 410. This event left Romans in a deep state of shock, and many saw it as punishment for abandoning their Roman religion. It was in this atmosphere that Augustine set out to provide a consolation of Christianity, writing that, even if the earthly rule of the empire was imperilled, it was the City of God that would ultimately triumph — symbolically, Augustine's eyes were fixed on heaven, a theme repeated in many Christian works of Late Antiquity.

So, another mystery also arose. Why did not Christianity and the Vatican fall and vanish with the Western Roman Empire around the 5th century?

*** *** *** ***

Now everybody that has been working hard this year in Japan has come in earnest to think how to spend the New Year Holiday, since it is after Xmas that Japanese people have come in earnest to think how to spend the New Year Holiday.

If you live around Tokyo, you may go to a well-trained travel agent nearby, buy one or two air tickets and reserve one or two hotels in New York or Jerusalem, move to Narita Airport immediately if possible, get on a convenient jet plane like a decent corporate employee or employees on a business trip, take half a day on board reading the Holy Book, and land on New York or Jerusalem.

Then, you praise the God in a very appropriate manner at a right location therein to fly back to Japan.

Your faith might contribute some to prevention of terror which otherwise might be carried out with a higher possibility of success.

Yet, I will be busy around Tokyo into January 2010, dear friends; Have the good and last weekend of 2009!

(Now or historically the story of Jesus Christ must start with jingle bells... )

Mar 12:26 And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?

Mar 12:27 He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.