Thursday, February 04, 2010

"as the Spirit gave them utterance"


There are about 30,000 people in Japan nowadays who die alone, while living alone, and whose dead bodies are discovered days, weeks, and months later.

In older days, people mostly died in their house surrounded by their family members.

Without any kind of deeply rooted religion, the Japanese society must have been disrupted through the extreme material success in its indescribable competition with Europe and America. Followers China and India must learn some lessons from Japan.

Yet, living under somebody who has power of life or death of you is not a comfortable life. In that case, indeed, you need revolution or religion.


i) Three years ago, a Japanese traveler to America came back to Japan. He made some comments on his finding in America to his friend, "I was surprised to see that Toyota cars used in America are so different from, or so poorer than, those we use here in Japan. A model name may be the same, but if you have a look under the hood, you will see quite different structure and components."

ii) Toyota officials said they first learned of this problem through reports of sticking pedals in vehicles in England and Ireland in April or May 2009.

iii) Last December officials of the U.S. Department of Transportation came to Japan to visit Toyota Motor Corporation with its headquarters in Nagoya City, 300 km west of Tokyo. But, Toyota's president Mr. Toyoda is yet to come up to Tokyo to explain the situation to the Japanese Minister of Transport.

iv) At the speed of 100 Km per hour, it is easy to measure a 10% change in the speed to control the brake by a computer chip, since it just has to perform 10 Km (6 miles) per hour control. But, at the speed of 20 Km per hour, it needs 2 Km (1.2 miles) per hour control. To run and control your car exactly at 2 Km per hour is not easy for you and a computer chip mounted inside Prius. At this speed (change) level, expected very smooth, automatic switching from hydraulic braking to regenerating braking, a unique feature for Prius, looks like failing once in 100,000 times, especially on a slippery road.

My recommendation to Toyota is to enter the agriculture market. They should buy up agriculture lands abandoned in local regions of Japan due to too much industrialization. Such cultivation-abandoned areas account for 10% of all the farming lands in Japan. Toyota executives should start to learn respect for humanity on the ground under the sun.

SECTION II: Honda and Mitsubishi

Mitsubishi Motor Corporation has realized a surplus for the first time in the past five quarters. The Japanese car maker was once rebuked for failure to announce its recalls. But now, owing to robust sales in China and Thailand, it came back to a track.

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. is to report a $3 billion surplus at the end of March 2010, since it has succeeded in $5.5 billion cost cuts. In addition, owing to robust sales in Thailand and India, it came back to a track.

However, both the Japanese car manufacturers look like feeling no pains in reducing payrolls.

They had better start to learn respect for humanity on the ground under the sun.

SECTION III: Historically Equal

For the Japanese people, equality of mankind literally means that there is no difference in the mind and heat among mankind.

But, historically, for Europeans the equality of mankind means that there is no difference in the mind and heart between Catholics and Protestants.

And, historically, for European Americans the equality of mankind means that there is no difference in the mind and heart between Catholics, Protestants, and Judaists.

It was made possible, since one tribe of Christian Europeans did not mind or doubt Judaism so much as others. And, they became the mainstream in America, by chance, later. The unique tribe is called the Anglo-Saxons.

As a consequence, Judaists have become the most beneficiary of the principle of equality of mankind, especially in the United States.

Accordingly, Judaists have had three options since the British dominance in the New Continent of North America: the possible return to Jerusalem; the continued status of the diaspora; and the enjoyment of living in America.

It is very symbolical, indeed, that around 1500 both Columbus and Luther emerged while Spain started to completely expel Judaists, though Christopher Columbus was most probably a Judaist pretending to be Christian under the name Christopher.

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Sumo wrestling grand champion Asa-Shoryu (Morning Blue Dragon) announced his retirement amid a controversy on his violent behaviors on a civilian, which is the biggest sports news in Japan today. The Mogolian hero had tears gathering in his eyes when asked by a reporter what he was the most proud of, answering his defeating then grand champion Musashi-Maru before his parents watching him in the sumo arena hall years ago.

In Okinawa, human bones of 20,000 years ago were confirmed, the oldest proof of human existence on the Japanese islands.

There is a Japanese sushi chef in Vancouver a cable TV channel presented today. The chef wearing a small, white mustache with a little white hair looked like aged over 50 but cheerfully spoke lively English, offering creative menus leveraging local foodstuff. His joy of being a winner in his career radiating over the counter of a modern sushi bar. It is good to see a man looking happy in his workshop.

However, in this decade, I think I have never sit at a sushi bar, though I often purchase a sushi pack at a supermarket. Fools take sushi at a sushi bar is my opinion. But, at Vancouver, you may.

It is 10:15 p.m. now. I will check some Internet sites before greeting the God.

Act 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Act 2:5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.

Act 2:6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.

Act 2:7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?