Thursday, January 06, 2011

"and David the king begat Solomon of her"

December 2010
Around the Tokyo Station

Harming Rumor or Saving Leaks

There are many people even in Japan who are suffering from hurting lies and rumors.

(There are many people even in Japan who blindly believe hurting lies and rumors without checking evidence by themselves, only because their friends, bosses, or leaders tell so.

Even management of some famous companies in Japan uses this kind of hurting lies and rumors to, say, suppress unfriendly labor unions and put down their leaders.)

So, Wikileaks has been welcomed.

Nowadays, people might trust WikiLeaks more than Mr. Bob Woodward.

(Have you taken a look at "Obama's Wars?")

Yet, I do not trust hackers.

I do not trust Mr. Bill Gates, either, only because he was once a computer programmer using the BASIC language.

Or, can any inconvenient truth for Mr. Bill Gates and the like be included in classified documents managed by the U.S. Government?

I think I myself is not included in any part of such documents.

But, will you buy up all the hacked documents from the Wikileaks organization, Bill, at the cost of, say, $100 billion, since they might be abusing Microsoft's software? 

Anyway, the Department of Defense must not have dreamed of this situation when they first invented the military-purpose communications technology called ARPANET in 1969 that developed to the Internet later mostly on the UNIX operating system.

CHAPTER I: Cameramen Hit, Hit

Many Japanese are interested in WikiLeaks,

It is so, since the site undiscovered one real state of the War on Terror.

Nonetheless, in general, no public accusation against U.S. soldiers and the WikiLeaks organization is heard in the Japanese media. The Japanese media do not even mention what company those killed Iraqi cameramen belonged to.

One of my concern is whether or not or otherwise how WikiLeaks will have an influence on the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election.

(To be continued...)

CHAPTER II: Needs, Desire, & Supply

The most basic concepts in EEE-Economics is Needs, Desire, and Supply Potential.

Think this way if tentatively: As human beings have needs economics is eventually needed for survival.

As human beings have desire economics is eventually needed for law and order.

As human beings have supply potential, economics is eventually possible in a logical, systematic, and scientific manner if not disguise.

But, how do these factors increase and expand or how fast do they?

This question is very essential, since it is related whether or not mankind with ability of inventing a supply potential is blessed or coursed by the God Almighty.

Economics = Economics (needs) + Economics (desire) + Economics (supply potential)

If economics neglects the factor of desire unreasonably, it cannot be effective.

Economics cannot neglect the factor.

Economics should lay weight on the factor of supply potential.

*** *** *** ***

Christ Jesus also suffered hurting lies and rumors in his home town.

That is why He said not to go back and enter your own village. A prophet is destined to have enemies in his hometown. It is so, since an old friend or an old acquaintance can be one of the most fatal enemies.

What inevitably surfaces in this context is whether or not the return of Judaists in their home region, Palestine, after WWII is essentially blessed or not.

So, Holy Lord Christ Jesus said that you mind is where your treasure lies. And, if treasure you left in your hometown was taken by others, they would become your enemy if you should come back. Therefore, a prophet cannot be welcomed in his hometown, since to be a prophets is not an easy task from the beginning, good or bad. In addition, if you have no treasure you created with your own efforts left in your hometown, you cannot be, from the beginning, a prophet.

I this context, a female prophet must be reasonably rare.

And, what treasure do you have, though I don't ask you where?

In the Wikileaks site?

Anyway, say sorry, at least, to the families of those cameramen and their fellows hit and hit from half of or a quarter of a mile far and high.

Mat 1:5 And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse;

Mat 1:6 And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias;

Mat 1:7 And Solomon begat Roboam; and Roboam begat Abia; and Abia begat Asa;