Thursday, June 02, 2011

"even such mighty works" - (Season of Politics)

A little Sunk Onahama Port of

Tsunamai Hit Iwaki City in

Fukushima Prefecture

Season of Politics (Saison de la politique)

Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Naoto Kan met Former PM Mr. Yukio Hatoyama this morning before voting of a non-confidence motion in the Diet, and eventually secured support from Mr. Hatoyama. PM Mr. Kan promised, according to Mr. Hatoyama, that he would step down when disaster recovery laws and the second supplementary budget were passed or prepared (probably in late June or July). But, after rejecting the motion, PM Kan said that he would continue his premiership till Fukushima nuclear reactors get stabilized at low temperature (probably taking a year or so).

Today, without support from lawmakers who belong to the Hatoyama Group and Ozawa Group, PM Mr. Kan should have lost premiership as the non-confidence motion must have been passed. But, after today's voting in the Lower House, he seemed to change the promise regardless of expectations from not only Mr. Hatoyama and Mr. Ichiro Ozawa but also the opposition LDP.

SECTION I: 2012 Presidential Election

Will President Mr. Barack Obama's success in the War on Osama bin Laden lead to his reelection in 2012 eventually?

Or, should President Mr. Barack Obama be reelected for justice, peace, and the American Dream?

First of all, we have to understand what made it possible, the first African American President in the United States.

So, let's confirm what put an end to the fame of Former President Mr. George W. Bush.

Now it is clear that the Bush family had strong business associations with the bin Laden family. Accordingly, the Bush Administration did not honestly and fully pursue Osama bin Laden. Instead, it tried to turn Americans' eyes away from Osama bin Laden to Saddam Hussein.

The then President Mr. George W. Bush did not try to arrest or capture Osama bin Laden at any costs but try to take on his father's enemy the then Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The then President Mr. George W. Bush put more priority on his family business rather than on Americans' priority.

As President Mr. Obama could take on Osama bin Laden just in two years in his presidency, Mr. George W. Bush could have driven Osama bin Laden to the corner and captured him within 2001 or in two years after September 11, 2001. But Mr. Bush would not. Instead of further deploying necessary troops at the border to Pakistan and launching joint military operation with Pakistan to capture Osama bin Laden, he mobilized hundreds of thousands of American troops for invasion of Iraq.

Put simply, Former President Mr. George W. Bush protected the son of the clan he befriended. He did not request the Congress, CIA, FBI, and the American Media to pursue the Saudi Arabian connection of Osama bin Laden. It is an bogus operation, the War in Iraq. Mr. Bush did not show any strong enthusiasm in chasing Osama bin Laden. And, the Republican Party supported fully Mr. George W. Bush, authorizing the big war budget. But, the Obama Administration could take on Osama bin Laden hiding near the capital of Pakistan with a minimum of costs: scores of special troops and a few helicopters.

To take on the biggest enemy of America, the U.S. had to undergo the ENRON scandal, the subprime-loan crimes, and the 2008 financial crisis so as to choose Mr. Barack Obama as new president.

Has Republicans fully reflected on their past conducts?

It will decide the case of the 2012 Presidential Election, since Republicans supported Former President Mr. George W. Bush who virtually helped Osama bin Laden flee and survive in safety while also helping ENRON, the sub-prime loan business, and Wall Street tricks.

(As the American Government allowed Osama bin Laden, the biggest enemy of America, to flee from Afghanistan to Pakistan, it is no wonder at all that the British Government would not protect Princess Diana. )

*** *** *** ***

When Mr. George W. Bush was president, Japan was led by the conservative LDP.

But along with the start of presidency of Mr. Barack Obama, Japan also changed the power balance to assign a ruling position to the pro-Korean/Chinese Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ). Both in America and Japan, democratic and liberal party took power almost at the same time.

However, though President Mr. Obama pushed forward healthcare innovation and took on Osama bin Laden, Former PM Mr. Hatoyama of the DPJ failed in fixing the US Marines' Futenma base relocation issue and PM Mr. Kan of the DPJ failed in early fixing the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident.

Therefore, Mr. Obama has now a strong chance for reelection, but in Japan the DPJ will most probably lose the next general election.

In either case, democracy should be advanced more among both the peoples, since even Islamic nations are going for democracy nowadays.

Mar 6:2 And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?