Tuesday, January 03, 2012

"All things were made by him" - Agenda: FRB

At a Great Shrine around Tokyo...
New Year's Visit to Shinto Shrine
Traditional Pilgrimage Proving 
Japanese Identity

Agenda: FRB

The 2012 US Presidential Election might have a secret agenda: FRB.
Aldrich set up two commissions — one to study the American monetary system in depth and the other, headed by Aldrich himself, to study the European central-banking systems and report on them.[5] Aldrich went to Europe opposed to centralized banking, but after viewing Germany's banking system, he came away believing that a centralized bank was better than the government-issued bond system that he had previously supported. Centralized banking was met with much opposition from politicians, who were suspicious of a central bank and who charged that Aldrich was biased due to his close ties to wealthy bankers such as J.P. Morganand his daughter's marriage to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.[5] In 1910, Aldrich and executives representing the banks of J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., secluded themselves for 10 days at Jekyll IslandGeorgia.[5] The executives included Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York, associated with the Rockefellers; Henry Davison, senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company; Charles D. Norton, president of the First National Bank of New York; and Col. Edward House, who would later become President Woodrow Wilson's closest adviser and founder of the Council on Foreign Relations.[6] There, Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb, & Co. directed the proceedings and wrote the primary features of what would be called the Aldrich Plan. Warburg would later write that "The matter of a uniform discount rate (interest rate) was discussed and settled at Jekyll Island." Vanderlip wrote in his 1935 autobiography From Farmboy to Financier :
I was as secretive, indeed I was as furtive as any conspirator. Discovery, we knew, simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would have been wasted. If it were to be exposed that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress…I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System.”
Despite meeting in secret, from both the public and the government, the importance of the Jekyll Island meeting was revealed three years after the Federal Reserve Act was passed, when journalist Bertie Charles Forbes wrote an article about the "hunting trip" in 1916.

So, executives representing the banks of J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co contributed the foundation of FRB in 1913.

Since then FRB exchanged bonds the US Government issued with dollar bills (small interest-free government bonds) to circulate them in the financial market and the society.  American citizens pay tax with these dollar bills to the Government.  And the the US Government pays interest on the bonds FRB keeps to stockholders of FRB.

The point at issue is that US citizens holding dollar bills which are in principle small interest-free government bonds cannot receive interest on their bills.  But FRB gets full amounts of interest. Conversely if American citizens buy dollar bills (small government interest bonds) directly from the US Government with something valuable, they get interest from the Government as long as they hold dollar bills.  The interest US citizens could get is going into pockets of stockholders of FRB.  It is because FRB can buy and sell interest-bearing bonds the US Government has issued with interest-free dollar bills FRB printed (which can be called exchangeability of dollar bills with Government bonds). Or if the US Government issued directly government notes or government dollars without costs of interest payment to FRB, it would lessen financial burden of US citizens.  FRB is a survival of the era of the gold standard.

So, this is the origin of 99% vs. 1% based on the both of which the US Government functions.

(to be continued...)

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Joh 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Joh 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.