Friday, November 09, 2012

"more than a prophet" - The Factor in the 2012 Election

Around the National Diet Bldg., Tokyo

The Factor in the 2012 Election 

As everybody has discussed, Mr. Obama succeeded in gaining support from Hispanics and European American women, especially, in Ohio.

If European Americans account for 65% of US voters and Mr. Romney can get support from 70% of them, he can secure 45% of votes among all the American voters.

To win the election, Mr. Romney had to win 5 points more, but from whom?

Hispanics voters seem to account for 14% of the total voters; then Mr. Romney had to acquire one third of their ballots, namely 5% in all the voters.  And the result of the 2012 Presidential Election tells that Mr. Romney actually got 30% of Hispanics voters.  It made Mr. Romney's share almost 50%.  But the real statics shows that Mr. Romney got just a little over 48%.

It means that Mr. Romney failed in securing women voters among European Americans, excluding influences of African Americans and Asian Americans who would vote for a Republican candidate or a Democratic candidate based on their basic preference.

Especially, "white" women in Ohio counted.  They decided this case.

But why did Mr. Romney fail in enjoying overwhelming support from European American woman voters?

It is religion.  In my sense, it is religion.  

Those women must have read the Bible not to be convinced of power of Christ and the God, and then saw a white who observed a strange school of Christianity and a black one, younger, who might be influenced by some Islamic creeds.   And then white women opted to vote for the latter.

It implies that those women are leaving farther Christianity and as far as to the religion of Mr. Obama whose late father was a Muslim.  They looked like not being given a spiritual direction.  They must have been at loss so that they tried Mr. Obama.      

Conversely, if Mr. Romney had a strong propensity for the main-stream Christianity similar to one Mr. W. Bush has, he should have been able to get more support from those women to win in Ohio and thus the whole US.

The Republicans should have presented a more main-stream candidate for the US Presidential Election.

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Mat 11:9 But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet.