Saturday, April 20, 2013

"where men ought to worship" - Infinite God vs. Finite World

From Tokyo Station to the Imperial Palace Plaza

Infinite God vs. Finite World

It is very rare that a man encounters an act of terror.

But you cannot tell if you should face such a situation in future.

People think it is a fate or a pure accident one cannot alter or work on to change it.  There are many such things in life.  You might have been involved in a car accident or you might have been hit by a car.  You might have chosen a wrong way or path to fall in a tragedy to become a victim of some crime.

Uncertainty is everywhere.  Even a very successful person in this world is a product of many, many chains of sheer good luck in a worldly sense.  And people a kind of respect those rich people living in good luck as they look so mysterious.

However, it is a matter of the world where gain and loss can be calculated and people believe in a value system based on criteria of worldly success.  In the domain where people think that the best thing is to enjoy their life as much as possible, you only have to be pleased or depressed according to luck you experience and encounter.

However, what can be measured is finite.  All the human matters are finite in this context.  Nonetheless the God is infinite.

Before the God any happiness or the largest good luck one can enjoy is nothing.

At this point we can get a clue on how to see a tragedy of being involved in terror or other rare horrible situation.

In other word, faith in the God should help us leave the world ruled by chances, ill luck, haphazard, a twist of fate, and darkness of minds.  The faith in the God can defeat the blind and violent force in this world that determines the course of our material life.  It lifts us up above the raging sea of this wild world ruled by uncertainty.

Faith is a key to leading us to a new world where the value of ourselves, our life, and our achievements is measured in an utterly different manner than the worldly sense.  Faith is a means for us to know what pleases the God who can change any value system associated with our existence.    

So, value of a man who is killed in an act of terror can be higher that that of those who enjoy a rich life without suffering terror, for example, which can be still found in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as in Syria.

Compared with infinite glory the God can give to His followers, any lucky life in this world is nothing, since such good luck is finite.

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Joh 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
Joh 4:20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
Joh 4:21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.