Thursday, October 24, 2013

"for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God" - JFK, MLK, and RFK

Marunouchi Side of Tokyo Railroad Station


I have been thinking about the JFK Assassination like so many people concerned with mysteries.  

And recently I came to believe that M.L. King was assassinated as a kind of camouflage for the RFK Assassination.

If there had been no assassination of M. L. King, peoples in the world would have only seen a series of assassination of J.F. Kennedy and R.F. Kennedy.  Especially American citizens would have been critically alerted and angry.  "Why should only Kennedys be assassinated," they would think.

So, without the M.L. King assassination, there should have arisen a strong demand in the American public to review the JFK Assassination in the wake of the RFK Assassination.  It was not desirable for those guys involved in the JFK Assassination.  They had to dilute the impact of the planned assassination of another Kennedy.  So, they decided to kill M.L. King.  Then a shock from expected death of Robert Kennedy in another assassination incident would have become vague to any extent.

The JFK and RFK Assassinations only should have been very shocking and alarming, but the JFK, M.L. King, and RFK Assassinations would have made the matter a little complicated and diversified.  American people would have not demanded a through review on the JFK Assassination which occurred just five years before the planned attack on RFK in 1968.          

Chapter 6
The Assassinations of Robert Kennedy
and Dr. Martin Luther King
and Lyndon B. Johnson's Withdrawal in 1968 
   The Power Control Group faced several dangers in 1968. While President Johnson had cooperated fully with their desires in Viet Nam and in other parts of the world, he had not met their requirements in other areas. He had gone too far in appeasing the blacks and had shown some signs of giving in to the young people in America in early 1968. Through threats to expose his role in covering up the truth about the JFK assassination or personal threats to the safety of his family, the Group forced his withdrawal from the 1968 election race. Their plan now was to install Richard Nixon as president at all costs.  
      Robert Kennedy and Dr. King posed real threats to this plan. Dr. King was beginning a movement in the direction of a coalition with Malcom X followers and other black militant groups. He was speaking out against the Viet Nam war. His influence might help defeat Nixon at the polls. So the Power Control Group created an environment in which he could be assassinated by his arch enemies.  
      The FBI and J. Edgar Hoover had become a vital part of the Power Control Group by 1968. Hoover had no love for King and was harrassing him in several ways. The Power Control Group undoubtedly let Hoover know that it wouldn't be a bad idea to have King out of the way before the election campaigns really warmed up. They also passed the word along to some of the groups who were out to murder King that the crime would probably not be stopped. Fletcher Prouty has described this approach in some detail.[1] The net result of these actions was the assassination of Dr. King by a group of wealthy white bigots who employed two of the intelligence community's own expert assassins. One of these men, Frenchy, had fired shots at JFK. The other, Jack Youngblood, was a soldier of fortune and CIA contract killer. They recruited James Earl Ray and set him up as a patsy.
The daughter of John F Kennedy is assigned to the Ambassador to Tokyo.  However it is unknow if Caroline Bouvier Kennedy would be happy to think that bad guys involved M.L. King only for obscuring the shock the possible direct series of assassinations of her father and uncle only might have generated.

The JFK Assassination on November 22, 1963 concurred with the start of direct satellite linkage of TV broadcasting over the Pacific Ocean between Japan and the US.  The first content broadcast live from the US to Japan was this shocking news of the death of the US President in Dallas.  The TV image was surprisingly clear.  Accordingly the then prime minister of Japan and the then foreign minister promptly flew to Washington DC.

The MLK and RFK Assassinations were rather viewed in Japan as part of the global turmoil of the era centering round the anti-Vietnam movement and liberal student violent movements.  And the essentially horrible incidents were obscured by the American great success of the Apollo program to send men to the moon in 1969.

But some people must have recalled all these Assassinations along with the shocking news of the Watergate scandal involving President Nixon, which was first reported in 1972.

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Mar 10:24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!