Friday, February 28, 2014

"the Son of man is Lord" - Aristotle and Theocracy

Tokyo Downtown and The Sumida River

Aristotle and Theocracy

Aristotle said that there are two types of equality.

One is numerical equity.  For example, the difference between two and one is equal to that between three and two.

Another is equity concerning value.  For example, the difference between the ratio of four over two is equal to the one of two over one.

According to Aristotle, a great teacher of Alexander the Great, a political system of a nation should be based on both the types of equality.

And, he extended his thought to the difference between democracy and oligarchy.  There are more troubles in oligarchy than in democracy.  It is because there will be more strife in oligarchy than in democracy.  Oligarch cannot get rid of conflicts among elite members of the political circle and those between the elites and the general public.  On the other hand, democracy is featured only by struggles between the elite and the general public.  However a majority of society do not necessarily make a better decision than the elite do.    

Anyway, if people do not admit that they are living under power or rule of God, they will surely fail in politics being exercised in any form of government.

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Mar 2:28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.