Friday, March 14, 2014

"the gain thereof than fine gold" - Talented, Ambitious, and Blessed Women?


Talented, Ambitious, and Blessed Women?

The Degree of Advancement of Women in Society

Country................Corporate Management Occupation by Women
1. Philippines....... 114.3

2. Australia........... 58.4

3. Singapore......... 46.4

4. Malaysia.............34.3

5. Thailand.............30.2

6. China...................19.4

7. JAPAN...............10.5

Why can Japanese women not make advancement in businesses?

It is due to tradition and culture of Japan, of course.  For almost 700 years till the late 19th century, Japan had been under the rule of the sword of samurais.  And till the end of WWII or 1945, Japanese people were under the rule of the spirit of samurais.  And samurais played roles of warriors, bureaucrats, engineers, educators, and masters of women and children.  Japan was an absolutely a male-dominated country.

Nonetheless there were some women in the Japanese history who ascended to the imperial throne.  These women were actually called "Emperor" but not "Empress."

When an emperor died without a suitable son mature enough to immediately take the title of emperor, his wife or widow, namely an empress, could assume the title of emperor to succeed her deceased husband and keep the imperial position till her son became old enough to become emperor.   Like this case, female emperors were not regular and normal existence.  It was an exceptional case to cope with an urgent situation.  

So, probably even today, it must be in a very special situation  that a Japanese business has a woman assume the presidency.  She must have ability and talent while meeting a special or urgent need of the company she works in.

And, a samurai was forced, depending on circumstances,  to commit ritual suicide by disembowelment, namely hara-kiri or seppuku, in order to expiate or compensate for his sin or failure.  But in the samurai world, women were not allowed to commit hara-kiri.  They cut through their throat with a knife or a short sword in case.

Next to the Vatican, the Islamic world, some African tribes, and the like, Japan is not a good environment for talented and ambitious women.  But a talented and ambitious woman is often very dangerous for a man whether he is talented and ambitious or not.

However, you cannot tell how a woman can be blessed by God if she deserves it.

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Pro 3:12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
Pro 3:13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
Pro 3:14 For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.
Pro 3:15 She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.