Thursday, April 24, 2014

"No prophet is accepted in his own country" - Japanese vs. Chinese Characteristics


Japanese vs. Chinese Characteristics

Japanese like the nature and everything in its natural form including material of buildings and dishes.

However, Chinese usually think that environment and materials without application of human work have less value.  Chinese dishes never include raw ingredients, while Japanese sushi uses raw seafood.

So, Japanese art is directed to simplicity for its completion while Chinese like to fill the space fully with artificial decoration or manipulation.

Chinese Taoism, a religion for the general public, comprises various elements originated in the philosophy of Lao-Tze, other ancient philosophies aspiring to immorality, part of Confucianism, part of Buddhism, and so on.  It is so complicated, but Chinese practice Taoism as their spiritual support and a religious means to link their souls with those of ancestors.  Especially, one of applications of Taoism Feng shui is sometimes practiced as a philosophical system to harmonize their human existence with the surrounding environment. (The term feng shui literally translates as "wind-water" in English.)  It seems that Taoism has become complicated and versatile enough to be relied on reliably by Chinese people.

The Japanese shinto religion is featured by its elegant simplicity.  By precluding misplaced materials and distracting elements in addition to unnecessary artificial components as much as possible, Japanese people like to pray to their ancestors in serene silence surrounded by pleasant environmental nature.

This difference in their attitudes toward the spiritual domain has however a grave influence on behaviors of Japanese and Chinese in the domain of politics.

As easily imagined, Chinese are good at conspiracy but Japanese are not.  Diplomatic art and intrigue have been more effectively used by Chinese than Japanese.  It looks as if when Chinese politicians adopted 10 tricks, Japanese politicians used only one though aiming at using the most effective one.

The Chinese Government now claims that it is a developing country with a huge number of poor people while requesting the US to treat China as its partner for G2 to rule the world.  China occupies unlawfully Tibet and the Uighur region, oppressing ethnic people there, while blaming Japan for its colonialism policy backed by military force before WWII.  China accuses Japan of its militarism during WWII while the Chinese Government has been making full efforts to become a military superpower in these decades.

It is as if China was using every means to exert its strategy based on Machiavellianism to gain the hegemony and exploit resources of other countries.

In response to such audacious behaviors of China, Japan might take a decisive stance it thinks to be the most effective and the simplest.

In WWII, it was military expedition into the Chinese continent to defeat the then Chinese Government and Chinese military power.  In the Japanese-Chinese War in WWII, the Empire of Japan solely to address the dangerous relationship with China through a military campaign against China.  But, Chinese leaders at the time worked on the US and the Soviet Union to get support in the war against Japan.  China achieved successful results more than Imperial Japanese politicians thought.  Before the Pearl Harbor Attack in 1941, the US had already become a defacto ally to China.  And in the summer of 1945, the Soviet Union suddenly abolished the Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact to attack Japanese troops in Manchuria, leading to the surrender of the Empire of Japan in WWII.

So finally, Japanese are essentially not good at war against a foreign nation.  Japanese are not good at international intrigue and espionage.   But Chinese seem to love to test every trick in international relationships.

You had better trust Japan but not China unless their religious belief and practices change.

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Luk 4:24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.