Tuesday, May 13, 2014

" I will: be thou clean" - Queen Elizabeth I vs. the Vatican

In Tokyo

Queen Elizabeth I vs. the Vatican

It is reportedly said that the Vatican once wanted Queen Elizabeth I to be assassinated.
Has anyone ever tried to assassinate a king or Queen of the United Kingdom? 
by iwnit on November 8th, 2007

1) Queen Elizabeth I of England: 
"The Ridolfi plot was a Roman Catholic plot in 1570 to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I of England and replace her with Mary I of Scotland. The plot was hatched and planned by Roberto di Ridolfi, who, an international banker, was able to travel between Brussels, Rome and Madrid to gather support without attracting too much suspicion."
Source and further information:

"The Babington Plot was the event which most directly led to the execution of Mary Queen of Scots. This was a second major plot against Elizabeth I of England after the Ridolfi plot." 
"It is named after the chief conspirator Anthony Babington (1561–1586), a young Catholic nobleman from Derbyshire. John Ballard, a Jesuit priest and Catholic agent, persuaded Babington to become involved in a plot to overthrow and/or murder Queen Elizabeth I of England, replacing her on the throne with the Roman Catholic former Queen of Scotland."
Source and further information:
When the Pope anathematized Queen Elizabeth I, he must have been sure that some Catholic agents would try to assassinate her due to political and religious situations at the time.  But the Pope never added his hope or order that no Catholics should attempt to take on the queen of England.  

However, the threat to Elizabeth's life did not end on the day that she became Queen. There were countless plots against Elizabeth I and many of these are listed in a chapter entitled “How Many Plots Were There to Kill Elizabeth I?” in the book that I'm reading at the moment, “How Fat Was Henry VIII? And 101 Other Questions on Royal History”. Another of Elizabeth's achievements was surviving and having a long and successful reign.

Elizabeth's life was in constant danger after Pope Pius V issued the Bull Regnans in Excelsis of Excommunication and Deposition against Elizabeth in 1570, which was a green light for Catholics to rise against her and assassinate her. This Bull led to Elizabeth and her government passing strong laws against the Catholics even though Elizabeth had once said that she had “no desire to make windows into men's souls”.

How Many Plots Were There to Kill Elizabeth I?

In December 1583, Elizabeth I wrote to the French Ambassador:-
“There are more than two hundred men of all ages who, at the instigation of the Jesuits, conspire to kill me.”
and she wasn't exaggerating!
A fact that once a Pope helped attempts to assassinate a queen of England is so shocking.  But today, a billion of Catholics believe and love the Vatican as if such attempts had never existed.

From this fact, it can be easily inferred that the Vatican did not make full efforts to save lives of millions of Judaists in Europe from evil power of Nazi Germany in and before WWII.

If the Vatican once tried to assassin a Protestant monarch, it would more naturally have Judaists attacked and killed so brutally.

Accordingly, people should try to pray to God directly without praying through the Pope.  This habit should prevail before another Queen Elizabeth is gone.

In addition, I don't think William Shakespeare had any dangerous connection with the Vatican, though he is said to have been a hidden Catholic with some ambiguous linkage with some dubious Catholic bishops or the like.

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Luk 5:13 And he put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will: be thou clean. And immediately the leprosy departed from him.