Saturday, August 09, 2014

"and Jesus was left alone" - Nazi Germany vs. China

Summer Fireworks Event around Tokyo

Nazi Germany vs. China

Nazi Germany and China today look like similar in their economic success, to some degree.
How Hitler Tackled Unemployment 
And Revived Germany’s Economy
By Mark Weber 
...American historian John Garraty compared the American and German responses to the Great Depression in a much-discussed article published in the American Historical Review. He wrote: / 38 “The two movements [that is, in the US and in Germany] nevertheless reacted to the Great Depression in similar ways, distinct from those of other industrial nations. Of the two the Nazis were the more successful in curing the economic ills of the 1930s. They reduced unemployment and stimulated industrial production faster than the Americans did and, considering their resources, handled their monetary and trade problems more successfully, certainly more imaginatively. This was partly because the Nazis employed deficit financing on a larger scale and partly because their totalitarian system better lent itself to the mobilization of society, both by force and by persuasion. By 1936 the depression was substantially over in Germany, far from finished in the United States....”
China is now under rule of the Chinese Communist Party that never gives political freedom to the Chinese people.  The Chinese Government functioning under leadership of the Chinese Communist Party can control banks, other financial institutes, and any businesses in China in a detailed manner through coercion supported by special police and military power.  It can mobilize the Chinese business community so efficiently to a direction Chinese leaders want like in the case of Nazi Germany.

So, when we review records of success of China in economy, we have to remember the case of Nazi Germany.

Another interesting point about German economy under Hitler's leadership is how it suffocated Judaist businesses.
Jews made up about one percent of Germany’s total population when Hitler came to power. While the new government moved quickly to remove them from the nation’s political and cultural life, Jews were permitted to carry on in economic life, at least for several years. In fact, many Jews benefited from the regime’s recovery measures and the general economic revival. In June 1933, for example, Hitler approved a large-scale government investment of 14.5 million marks in the Jewish-owned firm Hertie, a Berlin department store chain. This “bail out” was done to prevent the ruin of the large firm’s suppliers, financiers, and, above all, its 14,000 employees. / 26 
Prof. Gordon Craig, who for years taught history at Stanford University, points out: “In the clothing and retail trades, Jewish firms continued to operate profitably until 1938, and in Berlin and Hamburg, in particular, establishments of known reputation and taste continued to attract their old customers despite their ownership by Jews. In the world of finance, no restrictions were placed upon the activities of Jewish firms in the Berlin Bourse [stock market], and until 1937 the banking houses of Mendelssohn, Bleichröder, Arnhold, Dreyfuss, Straus, Warburg, Aufhäuser, and Behrens were still active.” / 27 Five years after Hitler had come to power, the Jewish role in business life was still a significant one, and Jews still held considerable real estate holdings, especially in Berlin. This changed markedly in 1938, however, and by the end of 1939 Jews had been largely removed from German economic life.
It is very interesting that Hitler and Nazis did not blindly attack and demolish businesses run by Judaists soon after they seized power.  Hitler became prime minister or chancellor in 1933.

Or conversely, if Judaists in Germany at the time had abandoned wealth and business in Germany soon after Hitler became chancellor, more Judaists or millions of Judaists should have saved their lives.

Truly, between 1933 and 1939, the world was given a chance to find hidden cruelty and brutality of Hitler and his band.  In this period, for example, if the Empire of Japan had an insight into the dangerous nature of Nazi Germany going to massacre millions of Judaists soon, the Empire would not tie up with Germany through the Tripartite Pact.  Then the Empire of Japan should have avoided war against the US and would not plan the Pearl Harbor Attack.

In other world, the economic success of Nazi Germany in 1930s must have looked so excellent and great to the eyes of Japanese leaders at the time.  Wealth hid inhuman deeds in Germany in 1930s. 

We have to check inhuman deeds in China, too, despite its accumulation of wealth observed in recent years.

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Joh 8:8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
Joh 8:9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.