Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"And Noah awoke from his wine" - On the RFK Assassination

Views from Railway Around Tokyo

On the RFK Assassination

Let's briefly check the RFK Assassination.
The assassination of Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy, a United States Senator and brother of assassinated President John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy, took place shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968, in Los Angeles, California, during the campaign season for the United States Presidential election, 1968.

There are reasons why RFK was assassinated by an organization or a group of bad guys but not by a single oddball named Sirhan.
Just as in the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., many people believe there was also a conspiracy involved in the murder of Robert Kennedy. For Robert Kennedy's assassination, there seem to be three main conspiracy theories that are based on inconsistencies found in the evidence against Sirhan Sirhan. 
The first conspiracy involves the location of the fatal shot. Los Angeles Coroner Thomas Noguchi conducted the autopsy on Robert Kennedy's body and discovered that not only had Kennedy died from the shot that entered just below and behind his right ear, but that there were scorch marks around the entry wound. This meant that the shot must have come from behind Kennedy and that the muzzle of the gun must have been within an inch or so of Kennedy's head when it was fired. By nearly all accounts, Sirhan had been in front of Kennedy and had never gotten closer than several feet. Could there have been a second shooter?
Of course, it is natural to think that the assassination of RFK was linked with that of JFK.  If Robert Kennedy should become US President, he would have most probably pursue the truth of the JFK Assassination to revenge himself for the murder of his elder brother.

Who had a motive?

Who hated Bobby Kennedy enough to have him murdered? RFK began to accrue enemies during his brother's presidency (when he served as attorney general). Both Kennedys angered some of the most powerful individuals or groups in America, including:

* the Mafia, who'd been the victim of the administration's unprecedented crackdown on organized crime (RFK had actually deported New Orleans Mafia boss Carlos Marcello)

* FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, who'd been forced by the attorney general to go after the Mafia (Hoover had denied for years that organized crime existed and preferred to concentrate on eliminating "communists")

* elements of the CIA, who'd participated in the 1961 attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro at the Bay of Pigs (the Kennedy brothers who felt they'd been misled by the CIA about the strength of Castro's forces refused to send air support when the invaders met powerful resistance; afterwards, JFK fired CIA director Allen Dulles, and Bobby Kennedy took on a role in CIA policy that was anathema to some of the most swashbuckling CIA veterans)

The old animosities only increased when RFK announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination. Both his old enemies and several new ones had a lot to lose from an RFK presidency. That list included:

* ex-Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa, whom RFK, as attorney general, had sent to prison for jury tampering (if RFK became president, Hoffa would have had to serve his entire thirteen year sentence, but President Nixon pardoned him)

* right-wing and racist groups, like the Ku Klux Klan, who feared RFK's strong commitment to civil rights

* Southern California ranchers who feared Kennedy's support of César Chavez and the United Farm Workers Union-and who, according to an FBI report, had once put out a $500,000 contract on RFK's life (if the union leaders succeeded in organizing thousands of farm workers, the ranchers' profits and power would plummet)

* hard-line cold warriors in the military and intelligence community-even the defense industry-who saw that an RFK presidency would create a complete reversal of US policy in Vietnam

With enemies like these, the pat explanation that Sirhan Sirhan assassinated RFK for his support of Israel seems far less persuasive-especially since RFK's Middle East stance differed very little from the other candidates'. The individuals or groups mentioned above had much more powerful reasons to keep RFK from becoming president in 1968.

One thing sure is that Oswald and Ruby were no more behind the RFK Assassination.  But Marcello lived till 1993, 30 years after the death of JFK.
Carlos Marcello, the don of New Orleans had a fierce grievance against RFK. He was high on the list of Mafia bosses targeted by Kennedy in 1961, up there with Giancana and other 'Top Hoodlums'. During the first months of the Kennedy administration, Marcello had been deported from the United States, essentially kidnapped and left in the jungles of Guatamala. The mobster made his way back to the United States and hired a better lawyer, but he believed that the attorney general had been out to persecute him. He had reputedly vowed to get even. ('Don't worry about that little Bobby son of a bitch, he's going to get taken care of.') One night during the summer of '67, RFK, in a rare moment of disclosure, told Richard Goodwin that he thought his brother had been killed by 'the guy from New Orleans' meaning Marcello. His suspicions may have been fed by something told to him by Walter Sheridan, who had spent months looking into Marcello and his connections while working on the Garrison story. Sheridan, who, according to his wife, contemplated suicide when his hero RFK was killed in 1968, refused to talk abut JFK's assassination until just before he died in 1996. Then he shocked his son, Walter Jr., by stating that he was 'convinced' that President Kennedy had been killed by a conspiracy. Joseph Kennedy II, RFK's oldest son, had a similar experience. In the last year of his life, RFK told his son that the full truth about the Kennedy assassination would never be known. Young Kennedy had the impression that his father knew something others did not, though exactly what remained a mystery...

After Kennedy's announcement--'I do not run for the presidency merely to oppose any man, but to propose new policies...'--he flew to New York to march in the St Patrick's Day Parade. Beforehand, he went to see Jacqueline Kennedy...On this cloudy March day, Jackie Kennedy smiled and gently kissed RFK and wished him on his way. A few days later, she took Arthur Schlesinger aside at a dinner party. 'Do you know what I think will happen to Bobby?' she said. 'The same thing that happened to Jack . . . There is so much hatred in this country, and more people hate Bobby than hated Jack . . . I've told Bobby this, but he isn't fatalistic, like me.' She knew perfectly well that her brother-in-law was fatalistic. Down on Fifth Avenue, on the St. Patrick's Day Parade route, Kennedy's old spokesman, Ed Guthman, quietly summoned Peter Maas, the writer, and a couple of other journalists friendly to Kennedy, to walk along close by RFK as he waved to the crowd. Maas realized that the newsmen had been formed into a kind of human shield. 'Guthman was afraid some nut would take a shot at Bobby,' Maas recalled...[end of quoting from Robert Kennedy: His Life, by Evan Thomas; Touchstone, New York, New York; 2000]
Even if FBI and CIA had not been involved in the JFK/RFK Assassinations, the Mafia could be and probably was involved.

Other strong suspects were racists, since M.L. King Jr. was assassinated in the same year as then Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy.

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Gen 9:24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
Gen 9:25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
Gen 9:26 And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.