Friday, October 24, 2014

" how hard is it for them that trust in riches" - Without Christ Jesus?


Without Christ Jesus?

To believe that there is only one God who created this universe might not be so difficult if we honestly observe the nature around us, especially, in a scientific manner.

Indeed the nature is so well designed with some simple basic elements though a multitude of their combinations have produced so diverse phenomena and living things.  There must be a great designer or designers of this universe, and it must be only one designer since all the physical laws are so well unified as if they were intended to achieve a sole goal, namely to generate human beings with souls eventually in this universe, which suggests that the designer is only one.

So, we can believe that there is one God that created this universe.   But, the idea that the God sent His son to the human world is hard to believe.
Most Often Quoted
One of the greatest, and most often quoted, verses in the Bible is actually a quote from Jesus.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Conversely, we had better think about what should have happened to mankind if the God had not sent His only son to the earth.
If Christ Had Not Come . . . we would not know the Father

It is sometimes easy to forget that without Christ, Jehovah would be, for many people, an inscrutable, faraway, mysterious Being. Even today in some countries, countless thousands and even millions of people worship images of wood or stone, hoping to appease a detached deity. For them, the idols represent gods who are harsh, condemning, and difficult to please.

The ancient Hebrews received from God a system of law that could be misunderstood by those who fail to comprehend the father love of Jehovah. Many Israelites failed to see the true intent of the Law and its purpose as a standard of righteousness. For them, it became the restrictive rules of a God who lashed out in anger at those who failed to obey the Law. They feared God for what He might do, but they failed to appreciate Him for who He truly was.

When Jesus of Nazareth began His ministry, He described God as a heavenly Father who cared for the most undeserving of His children. The Savior portrayed Jehovah as a parent awaiting the return of His prodigal child. The man from Galilee encircled children with His arms, touched repulsive lepers, and taught that God sympathized with a sparrow when it fell to the ground-anywhere in the world. When Philip said to the Lord, "Shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us," Jesus answered, "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?" (see John 14:8-9). God is exactly like Jesus, but that glorious fact would have remained unknown if the Lord had not come to earth.

If Christ Had Not Come . . . prayer would be impossible

Within the ancient world, only special people had access to God. Moses went into the mountain to meet the Almighty; Elijah prayed and God responded by preventing rain from falling over a period of three and a half years; Isaiah, Daniel, and others prayed and received responses from heaven, but such experiences were unknown among ...
Put simply, it is a revolution that Christ Jesus had carried out in His lifetime around 4 BC to 30 AD.  As it was so revolutionary, it captured the minds of Paul and others including Israelites and pagans.

The core of the revolutionary notion is that the God takes greatly care about and takes deeply thought of each human being, so unconditionally.  What's more God might get angry so fiercely on people who do not obey and observe His teaching directed to love, justice, and humility.

More specifically, the God will save every individual, but everyone has a responsibility to trust and follow the God and the Son of God.

As Paul and pagans in the Roman Empire realized extravagant meanings of this revolutionary concept, they could not help but devote their lives on this revolution.  Probably the shock they felt must have been greater than that ancient people should have felt when they had been shown the structure of this solar system and its position in the galaxy.

Nonetheless, there remains still an enigma: Why did the God have to create the universe and mankind, troubling Himself so much as to send His Only Son to the earth for the purpose to save human souls from Satan.

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Mar 10:24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!