Thursday, April 02, 2015

"Being forty days tempted of the devil" - God and the Space with Energy

Tokyo Bay

God and the Space with Energy


Many people seem to have faith in God all over the world.
Which Country Believes in God the Most, Least?
April 30, 2012|4:10 pm

A recently released report from the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago shows which countries have the most, and the least, belief in God by population percentage.
Among Americans, 81 percent say they have always believed in God, compared to just 37 percent in Great Britain, 25 percent in Japan and 13 percent in former East Germany. 
Sixty-one percent of Americans said they know God exists, while three percent identified themselves as nonbelievers. 
In Japan, only nine percent of the Japanese people said they don't believe in God, yet only four percent said they know God exists – the lowest out of all the countries surveyed. People from Japan were more likely to indicate that they fell somewhere in the middle, and they either believed in God some of the time or said they were agnostic. 
"Japanese people actually are spiritual people. They're not religious people, but they're spiritual people ... They have a belief in a lot of different types of deities," Richard Chuman, executive director of the Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society (JEMS), told The Christian Post on Monday. 
Chuman says the biggest hindrance to Christianity in Japan is that it is seen primarily as a "Western religion," but there are other cultural factors as well. Many Japanese churches are very traditional, some would say behind the times, and they often adhere to firm denominational divides instead of assisting another in reaching their nation. Some of the more recently successful churches are those that are less traditional and work toward appealing to the nation's youth. 
Japanese people who travel to the United States or Australia are more likely to become Christians while abroad, Chuman says, because they are removed from their culture. Often, when these Christians return to Japan, they see themselves as "catalysts for change" in their homeland.

Even an overwhelming majority of Chinese believe in some religions.
According to a latest survey, 85% of Chinese people have religious beliefs or had some religious practices and only 15% of them are real atheists. (The real atheists here refer to those who do not have faith in any religions nor had any activities related to religions or folk customs.) 185 million people believe in Buddhism and 33 million have faith in Christianity and believes in the existence of God. Only 12 million people are Taoists, although more than one hundred million have taken part in Taoism activities before. Thus, it is obvious that the Buddhism has the widest influence. The other major religions are Taoism, Confucianism, Islam and Christianity. 

That is why the world has not entered the Third World War yet.

But people in the world will probably go into a big war in future, since they would think that God or their religions probably never tell them explicitly not to make war.

SECTION II: Energy and Collision

In advanced studies in physics, they make two elementary particle flying like light collide with each other, of course, to see what will happen.

The point at issue is that any two particles, say, an electron and a proton, have their own mass.  Mass is a special form of energy.  Therefore, scientists are making collision between two entities of energy.

However, looking back at the birth of this universe, there was no mass initially.  There was only pure energy at beginning.  Then energy needed space as it could not be contained in a dot.  So, the physical space was created.  But the energy needed time, since it could not be contained in the very static and limited space.  Indeed, without time, even the space could not expand.

After creating the space and time, the energy could freely expand as we see today, since our universe full of galaxies is expanding with acceleration.  The key to creating time must be light.  As it vibrates and moves, time was created.  And then, from light, an electron and a positive electron were created with the same amounts of mass but opposite modes of electric field energy.

Accordingly, an electron with mass and electric charge is another form of pure energy.

But, light is also a form of pure energy.  And, time and the space are different forms of pure energy.

If scientists want to observe what will happen if two forms of energy collide with each other, they don't have to use costly and highly sophisticated, huge machine to accurately make two very small particles to collide.  They just have to make an electron fly fast in the space.

As the space is a form of original energy, an electron flying in the space is always colliding with a different form of energy.  Accordingly, such an electron causes friction with the space.

That is why a flying electron has its spin fixed to generate a stable magnetic field as exemplified by Fleming.  And, on such an electron time flows slow, since the friction makes vibration of the electron slower.

It is not in some large-size space that time gets delayed but on an electron and other fast-flying elementary particles.

Every entity with mass always collide with the space.  But without flying like light, it doesn't cause clear delay in time.  But, an electron and an atom flying at a quasi-light speed must cause strong friction with the space,  a huge entity of energy, resulting in less vibration and thus a delay in time on them.

And, the Son of God, Christ Jesus, must have been able to manipulate the space and its energy.  Accordingly, He resurrected after the Crucifixion and vanished in the sky.    

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Luk 4:2 Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.
Luk 4:3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.
Luk 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.