Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"Lord, save us: we perish" - A Reversed Image of a Reversed Object

Island on the Pacific Coast 100 km west of Tokyo

A Reversed Image of a Reversed Object 

I was sitting in a fast food shop, reading a newspaper.

Behind my chair was a wall on which a round clock was hung.  And, there on the wall opposite me was a mirror.  I watched the mirror to see the clock just fully reflected on its surface.  Numbers of the clock looked opposite, and the second hand was moving counter-clockwise in the mirror.  I happened to realize that I had never observed that the second hand of a clock in the mirror was rotating fully 360 degrees counter-clockwise.

There is nothing inside the mirror.  Light is just reflected on its surface very honestly, so that an image looks opposite horizontally.  We are seeing an image of an object reflected by the surface of a mirror.  That reflection makes the object opposite horizontally to the original object.

If we observe any event by ourselves, we can comprehend it as it is.  But if we learn the event from somebody else while he is reflecting the event in his mind, we may judge it based on an image of the event reversed by him.

I was watching the image of the clock horizontally reversed.  But, if I had not realized the very existence of the mirror, I might have believed that this shop had a clock horizontally opposite to normal ones.  With just one simple device called a mirror, something that does not exist in this world comes to emerge as if it did exist.  And, if we do not realize existence of the mirror, we cannot judge if it is real or not.

When we judge the world and any human matters, we may make a similar mistake.  Everything we conceive in the world is reflected by many and various mirrors.  We have to know what kinds of mirrors exist around us or between us and the society.

But what if a mirror itself was reversed?  It could show what we want to see as it is.  Then there might be rather confusion; we have to make a difference between a real object and its image.  But what if a real object was reversed?

Then I read a column in the newspaper on the desk in front of me.

Once in an entrance interview to a naval academy of the Imperial Japanese Navy, a unique question was asked: if a rope circling the earth was prolonged by 3 meters (9.8 feet or so), how high it will be above the ground to circle the earth without a slack.  Each applicant was requested to calculate the answer in his head.  The answer is 48 cm (19 inches)

So, if you add only 3 meters to 40,075 km of a rope running on the ground around the earth, you can have an influence on every point on the earth by automatically lifting the rope by almost 0.5 meters.  This scale of 3 m is what an individual can handle, though it is impossible to manipulate the whole length of 40,075 km.  Even Columbus would be find it difficult with an egg in his hand.

Subsequently, I folded the newspaper and left the fast food shop where I paid 100 yen ($1) for a cup of iced coffee and another 100 yen for an apple pie bar.  Each custom usually paied 500 yen or more for foods and a drink.  But, a shop staff girl saw me off with a polite attitude just like she had showed it when she took order from me.  

So, I thought that if a homeless man had 200 yen, he could at least take iced coffee and an apple pie bar.  And, I believe that shop staff would show pleasant attitudes to him, since he is going to pay 200 yen.

And, in the fast food shop, when the homeless man saw a mirror, he might find him very rich.


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Mat 8:24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.
Mat 8:25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish.
Mat 8:26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.