Sunday, July 30, 2017

"the counsel of God" - One of 300 Billion Times 300 Billion


One of 300 Billion Times 300 Billion

Our sun has the life duration of abut 10 billion years, though it is about 5 billion years old like the earth.

It means that if any high-intelligent species emerges in any other planet in our galaxy, the Milky Way, which is about 13 billion years old, the planet must be 5 billion years old.

But our sun is the second generation.  The materials, including some heavy metals, constituting the earth were created when the first generation sun was exploded to vanish.  So, other planets where high-intelligent creatures emerge should be also planets around the second or younger generation of fixed stars.

Most of fix stars in the Milky Way have the life duration between 1000 times longer than our sun's and 1000 time shorter than our sun's.  And there are currently 300 billion fixed stars in the Milky Way.  Then, how many among these fixed stars are younger than the second generation and can have planets 5 billion year old or more, which is necessary for the earth to produce the human species?

In addition, if once high-intelligent species could emerge and develop their civilizations after 5 billion years in their planets, they would be probably able to build advanced  signaling systems that would function to send radio signals to the universe on a permanent basis even after their civilizations are terminated or solar systems to which their planets belong have been exploded to vanish.   In this case, artificial radio signals must continue to be sent to the universe even after the builders of the signaling systems have been terminated.  

So, how many fixed stars and planets could have such high-intelligent species as can and could build advanced systems to send their artificial signals on a permanent basis to the universe in our Milky Way that has 300 billion fixed stars?

May be 1/100 of 1/100 of 300 billion, then there are 30 million fixed stars could meat the condition of 5 billion years.  Then, how may among them can have actually planets where life can be generated.  May be 1/100 of 30 million, then there are 300,000.  Actually some scientists estimate that there are some 100,000 planets in our galaxy where life was generated.

But how many among these planets can sustain life and allow continual evolution of living things to the level of anthropoid apes of the earth?

May be 1/100 of 300,000, so there are 3,000 planets that might have living things equivalent to anthropoid apes of the earth.  But how many of them allow further evolution to the level of the mankind on the earth?

May be 1/100 of 3,000, so that there are 30 planets in our galaxy that might have living things equivalent to the mankind on the earth.

Then, there can be 30 radio signaling systems sending signals to all over the Milky Way whose diameter is about 100,000 light years.  Those high-intelligent species in other planets might have started to send signals 1 billion years ago, 1 million years ago, or just 100,000 years ago or 100 year ago.  Probably 70% of them must have started signal sending 100,000 years ago or in older time.  Then we, on the earth, could receive more than 20 different artificial radio signals from somewhere in the Milky Way.

And there are 300 billion galaxies in the whole universe.  Although this universe is more than 13 billion light years wide (or 40 billion light year wide due to acceleration of the expansion of the universe), 1/100 of 1/100 of all the galaxies might be within a range where artificial signals could reach the earth from them as distinct artificial signals.  So then, millions of artificial signals coming from not only our galaxy but also other galaxies must be reaching the earth now.

However, so far as now, we have not received any such artificial radio signals from not only our galaxy but also other galaxies.  

So, we have to review the calculation method.  Although there are 30 planets in our galaxy that might have living things equivalent to the mankind on the earth, the probability that their civilizations develop from the level of ancient Egypt to the level of post-Industrial Revolution of the earth must be less than 1/100.  Even if it is 1/100, none of these 30 planets can have high-intelligent species whose civilizations can develop from the level of ancient Egypt to the level of post-Industrial Revolution of the earth.  If this probability is one part per million, there will be absolutely no high-intelligent specie that can send radio signals on a permanent basis to the universe.  If it is one billionth, no such high-intelligent species in the whole universe.

But we could develop from the level of ancient Egypt to the level of post-Industrial Revolution.  This must be the only case in the whole universe.  We will soon build a radio signaling system sending messages to the whole universe that can function on a permanent basis.  Then, a million years or a billion years later, a high-intelligent species on a planet somewhere in the universe might miraculously catch the signal.

Then, what made the human beings on the earth develop their civilization from the level of ancient Egypt to the level of post-Industrial Revolution?  In other word, what happened between ancient Egypt where great pyramids were built and the post-Industrial Revolution era with advanced science and technologies?

The answer is the emergence of the Son of God on the earth 2000 years ago in addition to various direct interference of God with Judaists, Christians, and Muslims in these 4000 years.

Only God can create and allow high-intelligent species of the level of the mankind to develop their civilization to the post-Industrial Revolution level in this universe.   And the probability of the emergence of the Son of God and direct interference of God must be one of 300 billion times 300 billion, since there are 300 billion fixed stars in one galaxy and there are 300 billion galaxies in the whole universe.

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Luk 7:29 And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John.
Luk 7:30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.
Luk 7:31 And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? and to what are they like?