Tuesday, February 20, 2018

"then shall they fast in those days" - The End of the World for Roman Citizens

South of Kyoto City

The End of the World for Roman Citizens

Paul preached that the end of the world was near to capture believers of Roman citizens in the Roman Empire.  It seems that this claim was the key to Paul's success in his mission to Roman citizens who had no knowledge in Judaism.

To prove his argument, he told that God sent His Son Christ Jesus to this world.

Although the world continued instead, many Roman citizens came to believe Paul and Christ Jesus.  This is one of big mysteries of early Christianity.  Maybe, Roman citizens interpreted that the end of the world meant the end of Jerusalem after the Jewish-Roman War.  Or, they found more profound truth in the words of Paul.

But, if Paul had not believed that the end of the world was near, he should not have had strong passion in his mission.  But why did Paul himself know that Christ Jesus had preached that the end of the world was near, while Paul had never seen or heard Christ Jesus preaching the gospel while He was alive?

And, from the beginning, what did Christ Jesus mean with his word that the end of the world was near?

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Mar 2:20 But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days.