Tuesday, November 27, 2018

"they come again to Jerusalem" - The Q Document Showing Cynic Christ Jesus


The Q Document Showing Cynic Christ Jesus

What did Christ Jesus really tell?  This is one of big questions in today's study on Christianity.

So they have studied the so-called Q document:
The Lost Gospel develops the hypothesis of the "Q" source for the common material of Luke and Matthew not found in Mark. Mack develops the thesis that this was the earliest writing about Jesus, developed over decades by a community which he describes with unwavering confidence. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burton_L._Mack)
Specifically, it is argued that Christ Jesus was not a holy saint but a kind of teacher of the Cynic-type school.  Scholars of the Q document have fund that Christ Jesus talked about ethics and  justice more than theology.  The underlying document for the Gospels show, they claim, no intention of Christ Jesus to establish a new religion later called Christianity.

However, it was not to scholars and professors of the modern days that Christ Jesus preached.  Christ Jesus preached to poor men, poor farmers, poor citizens, and slaves who lived 2000 years ago in Palestine.  Therefore, Christ Jesus must not have taught any theological theories to those poor people using technical terminologies.   Christ Jesus did not even cite so much sentences, phrases, and words from the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament.   Christ Jesus referred to the Hebrew Bible only when necessary according to circumstances or contexts of His preaching.

And more than that, the reason why people believed in Christ Jesus and found divinity in Christ Jesus 200 years ago was not only His words but His ways and attitudes in delivering teaching.   If you analyzed His words and delved into the Gospels so hard to find linkage to the Q document, it does not reveal atmosphere, passion, power, dignity, or glory Christ Jesus presented while preaching to poor people, which however  became the reason for them to believe that Christ Jesus had come from God.

No matter how much scholars and professors of today who have no religious sense and sensibility and no respect for divinity argue any issues on Christ Jesus, they cannot reach the truth.  Even today, the Pope sometimes deliver mediocre and boring speeches and announcements, but if you believe in the Vatican, these meaningless words of the Pope would become holy and sacred teaching.   But if those scholars and professors analyze those words of the Pope, they cannot find the core of the secret of the Vatican as to why it has survived 2000 years and acquired billion believers.    Likewise, if scholars and professors of today examine the words of Christ Jesus and the Q document, they cannot find the core of the secret of Christ Jesus as to why He acquired so many believers among poor people in Palestine 2000 years ago.

But it is interesting who wrote the Q document.

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Mar 11:27 And they come again to Jerusalem: and as he was walking in the temple, there come to him the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders,
Mar 11:28 And say unto him, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority to do these things?