Sunday, August 18, 2019

"the testimony of two men is true" - The Second Coming of Christ Jesus in the Early 21st Century

From Tokyo Bay to the Pacific Ocean

The Second Coming of Christ Jesus in the Early 21st Century

It is unknown when Christ Jesus would come back to this world.

Christianity is a religion to believe this creed that Christ Jesus will come back to this world to judge and save people.  So, for the so-called Christians, the Gospel or the story of Christ Jesus is not completed.

In the past, there were some people who claimed that he was Christ Jesus coming back or the second Christ Jesus; however none has been officially judged to be such.

To be judged to be Christ Jesus coming back to the world, the man has to show authority he has been given by God.  He must be able to perform various miracles, healing the sick and driving out demons.  And people see the glory of God through him.

However, in these 2000 years, many people, including the past Popes, have died without seeing the second coming of Christ Jesus.  So, it might mean that these dead are not truly dead, but their souls are waiting for the second coming of Christ Jesus, too.  When Christ Jesus comes back, these dead people might be also judged and saved or cursed finally.  Until then, their souls must be held in special status between Heaven and the hell.

For Christ Jesus to come back to this world, the history of the mankind must reach a decisive point of time.  It may be the time when a kind of annihilation of the mankind is close like 65 million years ago when a huge meteor fell onto the earth to wipe out dinosaurs.  Or it may be the time when the mankind starts to apply genetic technology to themselves for them to violate the field of God.  But most probably it must be the time when all the mankind starts to loose respect and faith in God, which means the time when Satan starts to completely control the mankind.

This material civilization has made the mankind move away from the teaching of God.  For example, people have come to mostly think of economy or money, what can be bought by money, and riches realized by money.  And in reverse proportion, people have come to talk less and less about God.  So, some day there may be the last man that is talking and thinking about God.  And, at least in this situation, it is likely that God will allow Christ Jesus to come back to this world and restore faith in God among people.

When Satan thinks that he has defeated God and Christ Jesus as there is almost nobody that believes in God, the God or Christ Jesus should throw the world in reverse.  And this effect must also cover the space of human souls and the spiritual world.

Anyway, 2000 years have passed since the first coming of Christ Jesus while it had been 2000 years after Abraham that Christ Jesus first came to this world.  A great crisis must be today coming close to us in terms of our faith in God as the entire mankind.   In this context, it is no wonder that Christ Jesus come back to this world in the early 21st century. 

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Joh:8:17: It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true.
Joh:8:18: I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.