Saturday, January 18, 2020

"make you to become fishers of men" - The Hell Must be Full of Money

The Tama-gawa River Flowing around Tokyo

The Hell Must be Full of Money

Christ Jesus said that he showed truth to infants but not to scholars.

This teaching can be interpreted as the God shows more truth to the poor than the rich, since infants are, anyway, materially poor.

A man having $100 despises material knowledge of another having only $1.
A man having $100,000 despises material knowledge of another having only $100.
A man having $1 million despises material knowledge of another having only $100,000.
A man having $100 million despises material knowledge of another having only $1 million.
And a man having $1 billion despises material knowledge of another having only $100 million.

But, a man having only $100 million may have more spiritual knowledge than another having as much as $1 billion.
Yet, a man having only $1 million may have more spiritual knowledge than another having as much as $100 million.
Yet, a man having only $100,000 may have more spiritual knowledge than another having as much as $1 million.
Yet, again, a man having only $100 may have more spiritual knowledge than another having as much as $100,000.
And finally, a man having only $1 may have more spiritual knowledge than another having as much as $100.

The more a man has money, the more he may have material knowledge than those who have less money.  But, the less a man has money, the more he must have spiritual knowledge than those who have more money.

Put simply, money makes a man blind to spiritual truth to any degree.  And, put extremely, huge money beyond a certain threshold level must make a man completely blind to spiritual truth.

Children can see what adults cannot see, in terms of truth of men.  The poor can see what the rich cannot see, in terms of truth of the human world.

That is why there are no descriptions in the Gospel that Christ Jesus had, kept, and used money.

In this context, we may be allowed to think that Judas had been so poor that only 30 silver coins could make him completely blind to the spiritual power Christ Jesus had.   Judas with 30 silver coins must have been rejoiced so much materially and became completely blind spiritually.

Anyway, living without money is a kind of great spiritual training.  And, it is unthinkable that any money is going on circulation in Heaven.  On the other hand, the hell must be full of money, so that spiritual truth must be completely hidden there.

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Mar 1:17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.
Mar 1:18 And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him.
Mar 1:19 And when he had gone a little farther thence, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the ship mending their nets.