Saturday, March 18, 2023

"in the name of the only begotten Son of God" - Wealth Leads to the Hells, But This Trend Should be Stopped


Wealth Leads to the Hells, But This Trend Should be Stopped

A majority of Americans believe that there is the afterlife and the spirit world.  But, most of them seem not to worry about their fate there: whether they are accepted in Heaven or they will have to go to the hells.

According to Swedenborg, the reason why some people would go to the hells is that they love to see others suffer, being tormented, and they want to think that they are greater or more blessed than they are; and it is only in the hells that they can enjoy this pleasure.  Therefore, such people would voluntarily go to the hells in the afterlife or the spirit world.

Even in this world, most of rich men love to see the poor suffering and think that they are greater or more blessed than the poor.  Therefore, they don't help the poor.  The more they see the poor, the more pleasure they feel.  Such rich men would go to the hells after their death in this world.  They already live in the hells while living in this world.   

Even if they are allowed to enter Heaven, they cannot enjoy this pleasure there, since Heaven is the place where the poor and the weak become happy.  Souls of those rich men would go to the hells where they can make the poor and the weak suffer so that they can feel twisted pleasure and enjoy a sense of superiority.  If they cannot find the poorer and the weaker, they will attack each other to control and rule the other.  So, the feature of the hells is a mad desire to suppress others and enjoy superiority.  But, such a sin cannot be tolerated in Heaven.

Most of people want to be rich while living in this world.  But, some rich men want to see the poor suffering more than simply enjoying riches.  Therefore, this world becomes a kind of hells.

For example, some priests or persons of religion help the poor in poor countries or poor streets in rich countries, but they never become one of them; they remain being privileged helpers.

So, to be allowed to enter Heaven, one has to learn what poverty is and abandon a desire to have a sense of superiority.  The sin that one enjoys his status of being rich without knowing what poverty is so grave that it will lead the man to the hells.  That is why Christ Jesus told that rich men cannot enter Heaven while poor men can.

As people have pursued wealth in these 2,000 years while they know the words of Christ Jesus, it is no wonder that the God would forsake the people.  Therefore, we will soon face WWIII and great natural disasters. 

Indeed, when a man wants to be rich without minding their fates of going to the hells and being tortured there, they will do any evil things or even sell their souls to Satan.  And, in the worst case, they do so to enjoy inflicting the poor and get a sense of superiority.  As a result, this world becomes a hell.

Some people say that a man is born again in this world after death to repeat his life and enhance his spiritual status through experiencing hardship.  But, in most cases, the man would try to be rich in this world, forgetting the truth in the spirit world.  And, he will go to the hells again after his death.  This negative spiral should be stopped.  And, to solve this problem, we will have to face the Last Judgment leading to WWIII and the great natural disasters in this century.      

We have to suffer the great tragedy where the current material civilization will collapse in this century so as to stop this vicious circle.

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John 3, King James Version
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.