Friday, September 29, 2023

"all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years" - Satan in Details in Modern Science

Around Tokyo 
Satan in Details in Modern Science 

The causal relation is a basis of the modern science and technology and also that of Buddhism.  But, it is observed that this relation is broken in the world of elementary particles.  Even it cannot be judged whether an incident there happened in the past or will happen in the future.  Indeed, in the spirt world there is no concept of time and space.  Therefore, in the very small space in the material world, the energy of the spirit world can penetrate there to break the common sense in the material world, so that various mysteries should happen such as one in the double-slit experience in the quantum physics.

For example, this world is made of atoms where electrons with negative charges are moving around an atomic nucleus with positive charges.  But, electrons never fall into the atomic nucleus; even attracting force working between electrons and the atomic nucleus never mingle them into one object.  It is said that there is no probability that electrons take such orbits as would make electrons clash the nucleus due to quantum physical laws.  Therefore, every material object such as water and iron and even human bodies can exists stably.  Otherwise, this material world suddenly collapse.  However, modern physics cannot find factors that decide such probabilities about locations, movements, etc. of elementary particles, etc.  The answer must be found in the spirit world.  It should be the spiritual energy that maintains and preserve this material world.  

Therefore, we have to admit that energy and force from the spirit world penetrate this world.  And, as Christ Jesus said, we should be able to work on the energy and force from the spirit world through our prayers to the God and faith in the God.

Indeed, with strong faith in the God as Christ Jesus had, we should be able to work on the energy and force coming from the spirit world so as to cause various miracles.  However, Christ Jesus did not make poor people materially rich by use of the ability to use the spiritual force and energy.  Instead, He taught that poor men were blessed as they could be allowed into Heaven after death in this world.

It must mean that living in poverty is the decisive condition to be accepted in Heaven.  Life in poverty in this world must have more significant meaning than we think.  To be rich, we have to sell any portions of our souls to Satan, which is a blasphemy.  Material affluence means a lack in faith in the God.  But, Satan stimulates men's desire to be materially rich, so that they come to seek money even by selling their souls to Satan.   

In this context, modern science, religions, economy, public order, etc. are all connected to one another.  And, even the ability to use the spiritual energy is not effective in solving these human problems.  It is because even Satan can also use the spiritual energy to destroy people and contaminate civilization.  As Swedenborg wrote, if angels and good spirits did not protect people and civilization, they should be suddenly destroyed, since Satan and evil spirits can work on materials and fates of people.    

From ancient days, people in the world believed that God's power was working in this world.  So, even before the first coming of Christ Jesus to this human world 2,000 years ago, they prayed to the God so as to save them from various threats in the nature and the human world.  But, as the material civilization developed, people did not turn to the God so much and so often as before, since the modern material civilization based on technology and science gave them easy solution, comfort and benefits.  And, wealth and money have promised people almighty power to solve every problem.  As consequence, people have come to revere money as a god, which is the purpose of Satan.  Money is indeed another form of Satan.

Indeed, it is said that devil is in the details.  Truly, modern science has found that sacred power is working against Satan who wants to collapse and destroy this material world from the level of elementary particles.  We have to change to spiritual civilization leaving power of money (Satan) behind.  

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Genesis 9, King James Version
24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
26 And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
28 And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.
29 And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.