Friday, July 26, 2024

"lo, he speaketh boldly" - Mind, Soul, and Spirit with the Spiritual Energy


Around Tokyo

Mind, Soul, and Spirit with the Spiritual Energy

The Bible reads as the God created this material world by use of His words.

It should mean that the God crated the material world by use of spiritual energy with His words, since there had been already the spirit world and the spiritual energy before the creation of the material world.  And, the God did not use any physical laws but should use His words, notion, thoughts, and imaginative power.  Put simply, the God did not use any material machine and tools in His creation of the material world.  Therefore, efforts to find scientifically how this material universe was generated cannot succeed.

The Bible also reads that the God put His breath into the first man to make him live as a man.  It should mean that a spirit in the spirit world was put into the brain of the man.  This spirit turned to a soul that started to work generating a mind.  Put simply, minds of men were not generated in the process of biological evolution but generated as a result of God's act to create men with part of God's power.  Therefore, efforts to find scientifically how the human minds were generated cannot succeed.      


Therefore, it is possible for a man to reach the level of God through his body, mind, soul and spirit.  But it is not easy, since this path from a human body to the level of the God is so narrow and hard to find, get, and keep it.  How can a man find this path?  He should have suitable DNA structure and gene configuration that only the God can give.

Maybe one in billion men has the suitable DNA and gene structure; one in billion of billion men has the suitable soul structure; and one in billion of billion of billion men has the suitable spirit that can reach the level of the God.  And, the Lord Jesus Christ should be the one whose spirit, soul, and mind could reach the level of the God.  But, anyway there is the path to reach the level of the God through the material world and the spirit world.  Indeed, if a man could proceed along this path, he should be able to use the spiritual energy like the God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and other saints.          

The Lord Jesus Christ said to be perfect.  With the perfect mind and soul, one's spirit should work to reach the level of the God like in the case of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The suitable mind should ultimately mean the perfect mind.

But, with a higher level of the mind, one may come to use the spiritual energy.  As the God used His words to move and use the spiritual energy in creating the material world, a man with a higher level of the mind might move and use any little part of the spiritual energy by use of his words and thoughts.

The best way to have a higher level of the mind is to have pure, deep, and strong faith in the God.  The Lord Jesus Christ seemed to choose such disciples for mission to the world.  Therefore, Christianity was promoted by Christ's disciples who could use the spiritual energy.  That is why Christianity has prevailed in the world for 2,000 years, which is truly a miracle.  Indeed, it is a miracle that the Vatican still exists 1,500 years after the collapse of the Roman Empire.  The Vatican should be supported by the spiritual energy used by the Lord Jesus Christ and His disciples.   

Finally, by admitting that one had a mind, a soul, and a spirit, he should become able to use the spiritual energy and perform miracles even in this material world only if he could make his mind, soul, and spirit perfect.  Anyway, this material world was made of the spiritual energy that surpasses physical laws.     

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John 7, King James Version
24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
25 Then said some of them of Jerusalem, Is not this he, whom they seek to kill?
26 But, lo, he speaketh boldly, and they say nothing unto him. Do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ?
27 Howbeit we know this man whence he is: but when Christ cometh, no man knoweth whence he is.