Wednesday, August 14, 2024

"in the ship with them more than one loaf" - The Most Important Thing: Faith in the God


A Park around Tokyo

The Most Important Thing: Faith in the God

The most important thing in this world is one's faith in the God.  But, the next should be one's life.  And most probably one's money follows.    
Even without money, one can continue to live in this world.  But without faith in the God, one cannot be accepted in Heaven after physical death in this world.  So, the above theory looks reasonable.  

However, as one's mind can be only seen and understood by oneself, he should naturally think that he is the most important one in this world.  Indeed, while he is the most important one in this world, none except himself can know what is in his mind.  Therefore he is the only one who knows content of his mind, so that he is the most important one in this world.  It is so because he is the only one who knows the content of the mind of the most important one in this world that is himself.

However, the God, the Lord Jesus Christ, other angels, and great spiritual entities know what is in the mind of anybody.  Even Satan should be able to see through the mind of anybody.  Therefore, none can claim that he is the most important man in this world and even in the spirit world.  You may be the least in Heaven if you were admitted into Heaven.  Or you might be even the least in the hells.  

Yet, one usually thinks that he is the most important person in this world, since he is the only one who knows the content of his mind.  Truly, unconsciously one believes that his mind is the most important thing in this world, and therefore the one who knows the content of his mind is the most important person in this world.  Therefore, the one who knows what he thins and how he feels, who is himself should be the most important person and the most important thing in this world.

Nonetheless, believing that the God knows what is in one's mind is faith in the God.  So, for believers the God is the most important entity and thing in this world.  And as one can be linked with the God through faith in the God, one's faith in the God is the most important thing in this world for anyone.  One's life can be saved by the God.  Money can be given by the God according to one's needs.  So, for anybody the faith in the God should be the most important thing in this world.

You cannot see indeed the bottom of the minds of others.  But, there are surely such men as think that their faith in the God is more important than their life and money.  Such men should be given special blessing by the God.  One who can use the spiritual energy like the Lord Jesus Christ should be such a one. 

The point at issue is that your faith in the God is more important than your mind and your money as well as your life.      

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Mark 8, King James Version
12 And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation.
13 And he left them, and entering into the ship again departed to the other side.
14 Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf.
15 And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.