Sunday, September 08, 2024

"And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons" - Healthy Life based on Oxygen and Faith in the God

At a Pond in a Park around Tokyo

Healthy Life based on Oxygen and Faith in the God 

It is well known among medical doctors that prayer works to help and cure the sick.  Even in the U.S. there are many such examples.  

An American doctor once advised a boy with cancer that he was sick as a battle was going on between good forces and bad forces in his body so that the boy should encourage good forces to fight with full power so as to defeat bad forces.  The boy believed it so that he prayed for the victory of good forces in his body.  And finally the cancer disappeared and the boy was saved.

Scientifically it can be explained that various conditions in the body of the boy happened to work excellently optimum to suppress the cancer so that he happened to be cured.  But spiritually it can be explained that the strong payer and wish without doubt of the boy reached the space where the spiritual energy worked so that the spiritual energy in his body affected his body to realize healing. 

According to a Japanese medical doctor and researcher of spiritual matters, Nobuo Shioya (1903-2008),  the most important element to human health is oxygen, more important than water and other nutrient factors.  Without foods, one can survive for several days or more; even without water, one can survive for a few days or more; but without oxygen one should die in several minutes.  So, he studied and found the best way for breathing to try to diffuse the method among people.  By practicing this method, he could live a heathy life till he fell to a fatal accident to suffer borne fractures and dementia at his age of 100.   

In addition to good and effective breathing to absorb spiritual energy in the universe with oxygen, Shioya found power of imagination and words.  So, he recommended people to practice the special method of breathing while having strong imagination for realizing health and issuing words of wish for realizing health; one has to imagine the state of recovery from his illness and deliver the words with confidence for curing of his disease.  A patient should claim that he has been cured while under medical treatment, so that his wish should be realized.  The power of imagination and words is more effective than oxygen.  It means spiritually that imagination and words of a man with confidence and without doubt can invoke the spiritual energy, so that it would work in his body to cure a disease.  

Indeed, without believing one's success and having an image of his success, one cannot succeed.  By believing that he is on the good camp side, he could fully use his mind power without fear and doubt.  Then, his mind could move his soul to reach the spiritual space where the spiritual energy works superseding the natural and physical laws and thus causing miracles.

Indeed, even a man with super-natural power cannot bend a spoon with his mind power unless he has a strong faith on his mind power to bend a spoon.  So, little children who simply believe that they have such power of mind can sometimes easily bend spoons with psychic powers.  But as they grow up to be taught that it is against the natural laws and commonsense, they come to lose such power.  And most of grown-ups are brainwashed by worldly commonsense so as not to accept non-scientific power.          
But according to Shioya, men can live up to 100 years with enough oxygen and sound imagination for health, because the growth season of men should be 20 years and mammals are expected to live for five times their growth season.

Anyway this world was created by the God using the spiritual energy.  The spiritual energy should still remain in the universe.  Through breathing, men can take in this energy into their bodies.  But as the God used His imagination and words so as to make the spiritual energy work, men should also use their mind power and words to make the spiritual energy work in their bodies.

For this purpose, men should have pure, strong, and deep faith in the God.  Everything good and spiritual comes from the God.  Men should use the spiritual energy with a sense of gratitude to the God.  Truly, it is natural that such men should have lives of health.    

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Genesis 9, King James Version
7 And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.
8 And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying,
9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;
10 And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth.
11 And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.