Wednesday, October 16, 2024

"But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils" - Apple Grower Encountering UFO Warning about End of the World

A Park around Tokyo

Apple Grower Encountering UFO Warning about End of the World

Yoko Ono called Akinori Kimura (1949 -) over the Pacific Ocean, warning that he should not come to the U.S., since a big organization or enterprise would surely kill him, after she found that her project of translation of Kimura's book was hindered by some big organization or enterprise.  

Kimura was an apple farmer in Aomori Prefecture of Northern Japan who succeeded in growing apples without agricultural chemicals.  It is widely known that Kimura produced miracle apples. He wrote a book on his experiences which imprinted Yoko Ono so much (maybe because apples should remind Yoko Ono of the label associated with the late John Lennon).  But she posted an article about Kimura on the Internet (

It had been a commonsense that apple cultivation needed agricultural chemicals, but Kimura tried apple cultivation without using agricultural chemicals (partly because his wife had pesticide allergy).  He finally succeeded it and became a famous farmer.  His reputation was established not only in Japan but also globally.  Kimura further developed an idea that agriculture should be performed in a manner harmonizing with the nature without using agricultural chemicals.  So, some big companies producing agricultural chemicals should take it as a big challenge to their business.  Anyway Kimura grew apples carefully to be of high quality, improving soils, watching natural conditions around apple trees, and always speaking to apple trees with love.   

Kimura's Apple (

Kimura once had a strange dream (when he was about 35 years old) where an old man like Socrates told him to tidy up many plates.  Kimura obeyed the old man to handle many big plates and finally asked him as to what these plates meant.  The old man replied that those plates were a calendar of the earth.  So, Kimura puzzled about the limited number of the plates, asking the old man why there were no more plates.  The old man said that it was because the end of the Earth would surely come at the time the last plate indicated.  But he told Kimura that he must not tell it to anyone. Kimura firmly promised not to reveal it to anybody.  

Further Kimura claims that he was once abducted by space aliens to a UFO (when he was about 40 years old) from his house at night.  And he was shown a calendar of the Earth that ended on the same time he had been once told by the old man in the dream.  The space aliens also said that they used 256 types of atoms although the human beings in the Earth could use only 30 or so types of atoms among about 100 types they had so far discovered.  They gave a strange heavy metal piece to him, but when he woke up in his bedroom next morning, it was gone.  He was sorry that the evidence of encounter with a UFO was lost.  

Although Kimura has not revealed the time of the end of the Earth in his books, it seems to be 2025 according to various sources. 

Kimura also observed dragons in the sky first when he was a high-school student alone and next when he was about 50 years old with his friends.  So, there are witnesses of the encounter with a dragon.  It is not thinkable that a successful man like Kimura tells stupid lies.  He must have seen the prophetic dream and space men with a UFO at least in his own vision.

The year 2025 is also mentioned as a disastrous year by the prophetic female manga artist Ryo Tatsuki.  She also said that she also saw two dragons advancing to the Philippine Sea where a kind of explosion happened (some interprets it as a crash of a big meteor from Jupiter).

The common elements of the prophecies between Kimura and Tatsuki are the year 2025 and dragons.  Among Japanese Internet users, these prophecies on the great tragedy to happen in 2025 is now widely focused on.

However, as Isaac Newton wrote that the end of the human civilization should not start until 2060, a great catastrophe should not happen in 2025.  The Holy Mother Mary has not warned of 2025 tragedies, too.

Yet, our Lord Jesus Christ said to get always wakened, since we do not know the time.  Anyway, psychics in the world should take precautions against these prophecies on 2025.           


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Matthew 10, King James Version
15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.
16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
17 But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;
18 And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.
19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.
20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.