Friday, December 27, 2024

"if I by Beelzebub cast out devils" - Evil Space Aliens vs. Hidden Secret Government in the Earth


A Park around Tokyo

Evil Space Aliens vs. Hidden Secret Government in the Earth 

Junichi Yaoi (1935 - ) is a Japanese journalist born in 1935, specialized in UFOs; he also introduced Uri Geller to Japanese TV stations in the early 1970s.  He is called "Yaoi the UFO," since he produced many TV programs related to UFOs in Tokyo from 1970s to 1990s.

(Junichi Yaoi and one of his books on UFOs)

Yaoi flew to the U.S. to meet and interview American abductees by UFOs.  He visited Area 51, Roswell, sites of cattle mutilation, etc., and interviewed many Americans who claimed observing UFOs, space aliens, etc.  He is now a legend among Japanese who are interested in UFOs and space aliens.  Yaoi is also the honorary curator of the UFO museum in Hakui City of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.    

Yaoi observed a UFO in Tokyo for himself.  He believes in existence of UFOs and space aliens.  After the long career, he has concluded that elite members of the "hidden secret government" who control not only the US Government, the US military, the CIA, the NAS, NASA, the Wall Street, etc. but also the global governments have special relationship with space aliens.  They seem to have an agreement that they will be allowed to leave the Earth, when the end of the Earth comes, to any safe planet on board UFOs.  Therefore, the US Government has made a secret of existence of UFOs and space aliens, giving silent approval to space aliens on their abducting Americans for biological testing and on cattle mutilation for any purposes.     

But, there seems a misunderstanding in those elite members of the hidden secret government.  The space aliens have more advanced material civilization as well as the ability to use spiritual energy, so that they can travel space between solar systems and galaxies.  Those space aliens do not need to have any agreements with human beings in the Earth.  They can do whatever they like on the mankind in the Earth.  So, it must be a misunderstanding of those elite members of the hidden secret government in the Earth that they have a treaty or agreement with space aliens.  

It is thought that there are evil space aliens as well as good space aliens.  Evil space aliens linked with Satan would deceive elite members of the hidden secret government in the Earth.  But space aliens of good will should prevent those evil space aliens from harming the mankind in the Earth.  For example, the space aliens accompanying the Holy Mother Mary should be good ones, but other space aliens killing cattle and testing human bodies should be evil ones.  It is dangerous to have any agreements with evil space aliens.

The members of the hidden secret government in the Earth are dangerous to ordinary human beings, but evil space aliens should be more dangerous than those elite members.  So, the members of the hidden secret government in the Earth should cut the connection with evil space aliens even if those space aliens provide more advanced technology to them.

All the mankind in the Earth should do is to develop and enhance the spiritual ability to use spiritual energy like space aliens.  And, as space aliens are also entities in the material universe, they are also under the rule and power of the God who created this material universe and the spirit world, so that we should pray to the God that He would save us from evil space aliens.

Yaoi looks like a kind of nihilist, since he was born in Manchuria (now the North East part of China) and saw many atrocities by Russian, American, and Chinese troops before fleeing to Japan at the end of WWII.  He might not be afraid of space aliens of whatever sort.  But, Yaoi says that there would be big chaos to the human world in the Earth if global governments admit existence of space aliens.  

But as Swedenborg wrote in the 18th century, souls of space aliens also come to the same spirit world where the souls of the mankind in the Earth go after their death, we should not be afraid of them, but admit that there are space aliens with spiritual ability in addition to more advanced material science.  We can be more advanced apace aliens, too, only if we can build a spiritual civilization.        


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Matthew 12, King James Version
25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
27 And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges.
28 But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.