Wednesday, April 25, 2007

"I Want You to Stay, Just A Bit Little Longer"

(A reporter of a Japanese newspaper read an article of a certain US media [].

She was puzzled at the title: "Biofuel: Green savior or red herring?" It is not "Biofuel" but "red herring" that confused her, though she wrote that she eventually found it to mean a smoke screen. [Even very knowledgable journalists in Japan are not so familiar with common English phrases, which is however no problem at all in Japan.]

From 1970's to 1980's, the War on Ideology produced many acts of terror.

From 1990's to today, the War on Oil and Religion produced many acts of terror.

From today on and through the days when oil reserves are depleted and climate changes cause unbearable conditions to some countries, the War on Biofuel, such as sugarcane, and other Resources, including foods and water, might trigger new acts of terror in the worst case.

In theory, if Jesus Christ is the God, mankind is not allowed to enjoy a higher living standard than the one the God enjoyed while He was living on the earth.

We have to be prepared to abandon modern civilization and have a simple life of 2000 years ago, if the God so wants mankind to.

Or, can we say to the God that as there are no mafia, terrorists, and bad religions, mankind should be allowed to enjoy a life with a car, a jet plane, electronics, and gorgeous foods, alcohol, and tasty things?

Anyway, at least, you are lucky if you are loved by someone who thinks you are more valuable than a life with a car, a jet plane, electronics, and gorgeous foods, alcohol, and tasty things.)