Sunday, June 10, 2007

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace in Nagatoro Gulch

(A Little Thought of Today:

Judaism regards Jesus Christ as one of Israelites if He ever existed 2000 years ago.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is God.

Muslims regard Jesus Christ as one of holy messengers who had appeared before the last and greatest holy messenger who established Islam 1300 years ago.

Now, what do you like to be: a Judaist, a Christian, or a Muslim?

Most of super rich people in the U.S. are Christians, for your reference.

Aside from this practical question, the above religious state on the earth tells that you have to concentrate on God Himself, but not religion, and even not on Jesus Christ if the God so wishes.

Anyway, mankind has to more develop the concept of God; otherwise, this kind of arguments may lead to a kind of tautology in terms of meaning if not form.

Without knowing God and His omnipotence, you may say you are an Israelite who in fact does not understand God whom a Christian, who you are in other fate, also does not understand like a Muslim who you are in other fate and does not understand Allah.)