Monday, June 11, 2007

North Korea and the 2008 Summer Olympic Games

Very Common Landscape around Tokyo

North Korea and the 2008 Summer Olympic Games

Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai ( is one of the most prominent female journalists in Japan. She once hosted a TV news program for a very long time.

Last night, a new TV program she jointly hosts reported on North Korea, specifically, not on missiles or nuclear bombs, but fake bills. It is well known that the North Korea Government is involved in illegally printing US 100 dollar bills, which are often called "Super-K" and presently "Super-Z."

It is said that the US agencies have so far confiscated fake bills worth 50 million dollar (face value) North Korea illegally printed out and circulated since 1989.

If they were just 10% of all the counterfeit bills North Korea had illegally printed as a national crime, there might be still 450 million dollars worth notes illegally circulated in the world.

According to the US Government, among 800 billion dollars worth notes being globally circulated, one in 10,000 bills is fake, which might however not be a very correct estimation.
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North Korea is believed to have abducted and still keep more than 100 Japanese for intelligence purposes. Both the abduction and the fake bill projects are believed to have been conducted by the direct authority of Mr. Kim Jong-Il, the ruler of North Korea.

However, before these national crimes of North Korea were made open late 1990's, many Japanese politicians had visited North Korea on a friendly base. Those politicians have been called doves or peace-loving politicians. They also usually take a pro-China stance.

In other words, hawks are those who have been consistently harsh to North Korea and China, both under one-party dictatorship. Though she is not a politician, Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai is one of hawks.

What is particular about her is that she is the almost only non-nonsense female political commentator, author, and public figure with rich experiences in the news industry in Japan. And, she is hawkish and patriotic, very elegantly.
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China has been supporting North Korea despite their ongoing abduction and fake-bill projects in addition to their nuclear tipped missile development project.

China is going to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing.

But, I have to say, at least, that there are many Japanese patriots, such as Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, who cannot enjoy the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing Mr. Kim Jong-Il will surely enjoy.

"How Much More, Then, Should I Have Pity for Nineveh"