Saturday, August 18, 2007

Critical Moment of History for Mankind

Spring (Haru)
Summer (Natsu)
Autumn (Aki)
Winter (Fuyu)(Japan's four seasons themselves are holy heritage.)

Critical Moment of History for Mankind
(Moment critique de l'histoire pour l'humanité

A generation after the death of Cleopatra of Egypt, Jesus Christ was born.

A generation after the death of Jesus Christ as man, Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman Empire.

They teach that the death of Cleopatra of Egypt and the fall of Jerusalem should happen even without the birth of Jesus Christ in between.

The two great incidents in the human history were, indeed, recorded as having been inevitable in a due course of the history in those days but completely irrelevant to the birth of the Son of God.

This is a mainstream teaching of history among Europeans and European Americans. They really look like downplaying their most benefactor Jesus Christ.

You must not join them, since their teaching is wrong, downplaying their most benefactor Jesus Christ as well as His followers, including Judas.
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Jesus Christ must have been born a generation after the death of Cleopatra of Egypt and a generation before the fall of Jerusalem.

You may think about various reasons, if you piously wonder why it is 2000 years ago that the Son of God appeared on the earth.

It must be related to immorality, violence, and arrogance found among the Romans, Greeks, and the Israelites of those days. But you can still observe them among contemporary Europeans and European Americans, descendants of the Romans, Greeks, and the Israelites in terms of civilization.

My warning to you is that if you accept immorality, violence, and arrogance on the grounds that you can often observe them among contemporary Europeans and European Americans, you will surely lose God's favor.

It is related to the very issue that the Son of God must have been born at a certain moment of the human history.

It cannot be too much if you take this issue so much, though you may wonder why Islam was endowed to mankind at the specific point of the human history.
* * *

Indeed, the more you are given in terms of resources, the more you are requested in terms of respect to Jesus Christ.

I really hope that my level of respect to Jesus Christ is commensurate with the beauty of the nature the God gave to Japan.

(Recently, bridges and mines collapsed in the U.S. and China. Floods occurred in the U.S., South Asia, and North Korea. Earthquakes hit Japan and Peru.

Do you think that the God will spare Tokyo, Paris, or New York for your sake? Then, why?

O, God, I am here praising You!

[Did you say it, together?])

"...They said, 'Everyone is looking for you.' But, Jesus answered, 'We have to go on....'"